Murray-Darling Basin Plan: Five-year assessment
Final report has been released
- Why the inquiry?
- Issues paper
- Draft report
- Final report
What we’ve been asked to look at
Under the Water Act 2007 (Cth), the Commission is required to undertake five-yearly assessments of the effectiveness of the implementation of the Basin Plan and water resource plans. This inquiry is the first such assessment conducted by the Commission - the next assessment was conducted in 2023.
Read the Terms of Reference Basin Plan 2012 Media releaseHow can you contribute to the inquiry?
The issues paper set out the broad scope of the inquiry and raised questions to assist participants in preparing a submission.
Draft report release and public hearings
The Commission sought further information and feedback on the draft report.
Submissions were due by 10 October 2018.
Final report to Government and release
Our final report makes findings on progress to date in implementing the Basin Plan and recommendations on actions required to ensure effective achievement of Basin Plan outcomes. Most of our recommendations involve incremental improvements to the current arrangements. Others are to provide the strong foundations needed for the Plan to succeed — sound governance, good planning, and effective and adaptive management.
The final report was handed to the Australian Government on 19 December 2018 and publicly released on 25 January 2019.
Government response
Stakeholder working group
The stakeholder working group was an important avenue for consultation.
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