Migrant intake into Australia
Public inquiry
This inquiry has concluded. A public inquiry into the greater use of charges relative to quotas and qualitative criteria to determine the intake of temporary and permanent entrants into Australia.
- Issues paper 1 May 2015
- Draft report 13 Nov 2015
- Final report 12 Sep 2016
Issues paper 1 May 2015
The issues paper is available and it covers a range of issues on which the Commission sought information and feedback, and was intended to assist you in preparing a submission.
Initial submissions were due 12 June 2015.
Draft report 13 Nov 2015
You were invited to examine the draft report and to make written submissions by 18 December 2015.
Please note: The draft report is for research purposes only. For final outcomes of this inquiry refer to the inquiry report.
Final report 12 Sep 2016
The final report was handed to the Australian Government on 13 April 2016 and publicly released on 12 September 2016.
In undertaking this inquiry, the Commission used evidence from Australia and overseas to report on and make recommendations about the following:
- The benefits and costs of permanent migration.
- The scope to use alternative methods for determining the intake of permanent migrants and the effects these would have. This should include examination of a specific scenario in which entry charges for migrants are the primary basis for the selection of migrants.
- The benefits and costs of temporary migration with an examination of the use of charges as the primary basis for regulating the level and composition of this migration.
- Mechanisms for achieving an optimal interaction between temporary and permanent migration.
Government response
There has not been a government response to this inquiry yet.
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Key documents
Inquiry report
This report presents an assessment of the benefits and costs of temporary and permanent immigration, with regard to the budgets and balance sheets of Australian governments, and the income, wealth and living standards of Australian citizens.
Submissions received for the Migrant Intake into Australia public inquiry.
Public hearings
Details of public hearings for the inquiry into Workplace Relations Framework.