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Annual report 2023-24

Annual report series

Released 28 / 10 / 2024

The Annual report 2023-24 was tabled in Parliament on 28 October 2024 and forms part of the Commission's annual report series.


  • Preliminaries
    • Cover, Copyright and publication detail, Transmittal letter, Foreword, Contents, and Commissioners
  • About the PC
    • The PC’s role
    • Commissioners and staff
  • Annual performance statement
    • Introductory statement
    • Entity purpose
    • Results
  • The year in review: PC activities
    • Public inquiries and commissioned studies
    • PC-initiated research
    • Performance reporting and other services
    • Competitive neutrality activities
  • Management and accountability
    • Commissioners and staff
    • Outcome, objective and resources
    • Governance
    • Workplace culture
    • External and internal scrutiny
    • Management of human resources
    • Other reporting requirements
  • Financial Statements
    • Independent Auditors Report
    • Productivity Commission
    • Statement by the Chair and Chief Finance Officer
    • Statement of Comprehensive Income
    • Statement of Financial Position
    • Statement of Changes in Equity
    • Cash Flow Statement
    • Overview
  • Appendix
    • Executive remuneration
    • Accountable authority
    • Resource statement
    • Human resources
    • Corrections to previous annual report
  • Indexes
    • Annual reporting requirements and aids to access
    • List of requirements – non-corporate Commonwealth entities
    • Index
  • Abbreviations

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