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Freedom of Information Disclosure Log

The Commission will publish a disclosure log on its website of documents provided in response to Freedom of Information (FOI) requests, in accordance with Section 11C of the FOI Act. Those documents will be published on the website within 10 working days of the applicant being given access* to the documents, in accordance with Section 11(c)(6) of the Act.

Information attached, or referred, to in the Commission's disclosure log will generally be removed after 12 months, unless the information has enduring public value.

Disclosure log

Date of access* FOI disclosure Other information

Data manuals and data templates regarding the Emergency Services RoGS.

Published 23/07/2024

3 documents released in full
2 documents released in part

The Commission's protocols on the use of Generative AI technologies.

Published 23/04/2024

1 document released in full
1 document released in part
12/02/2024 Communications in relation to the Royal Commission into the Robo-debt Scheme. Published 12/02/2024

2 documents released in full
04/10/2023 Recognition of employee prior service and subsequent long service entitlement where the calculation results in a negative credit. Published 13/11/2023

2 documents released in full
08/09/2023 Style Guide for the Productivity Commission Published 27/10/2023

2 documents released in full
13/10/2023 Communications with Treasury regarding a news article dated 3/02/2023

Published 27/10/2023 with additional material released under s55(g)

3 documents released in full
8 documents released in part
0 documents exempt

Originally published 22/6/2023 with access deferred under s21(c) 2 documents released in full
9 documents released in part
0 documents exempt
13/10/2023 Communications regarding a news article dated 3/02/2023

Published 27/10/2023 with additional material released under s55(g)

8 documents released in full
77 documents released in part
42 documents exempt

Originally published 22/6/2023 with access deferred under s21(c) 6 documents released in full
79 documents released in part
42 documents exempt
02/06/2023 Talkforce appointment Published 19/6/2023

4 documents released in full
14 documents released in part
7 documents exempt
05/06/2023 Staff communications post 2021 Christmas party speech Published 19/6/2023

2 documents released in full
9 documents released in part
10 documents exempt
28/04/2023 Attached are the documents released under Freedom of Information relating to a Senate Estimate Briefing. Published 9/5/2023

30 documents released in full
02/12/2022 Attached are the documents released under Freedom of Information relating to a Senate Estimate Briefing. Published 16/12/2022

44 documents released in full
4 documents released in part
11/01/2022 Attached are the documents released under Freedom of Information relating to the Australian Government Competitive Neutrality Complaints Office (AGCNCO). Published 11/1/2022

27 documents released in part
11/01/2022 Attached are the documents released under Freedom of Information relating to the Mental Health Inquiry. Published 11/1/2022

2 documents released in full

Attached are the documents released under Freedom of Information relating to Question on Notice Response – National Cabinet.

Published 22/10/2021

2 documents released in part

Attached are the documents released under Freedom of Information relating to the Australian Government Competitive Neutrality Complaints Office (AGCNCO).

Published 22/10/2021
Updated 11/1/2022

5 documents released in full
33 documents released in part

Attached is the document released under Freedom of Information relating to Travel Services and Gifts.

Published 22/10/2021

Released in full

Attached are the documents released under Freedom of Information relating to the Resources Sector Regulation Study Report 2020.

Published 22/10/2021

5 documents released in full
2 documents released in part
5 documents exempt

Attached is the document released under Freedom of Information relating to the Inquiry Report Superannuation: Assessing Efficiency and Competitiveness.

Published 1/10/2021

1 document released in full
1 document exempt

Attached are documents released under Freedom of Information relating to the Resources Sector Regulation Study Report 2020.

Published 10/6/2021

Released in full

Attached are documents released under Freedom of Information relating to the Mental Health Draft Report 2019.

Published 28/5/2021

Released in full

Attached are documents released under Freedom of Information relating to the Report on Government Services 2018 and 2019.

Published 6/6/2019

Released in full