Target 17
By 2026, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have equal levels of digital inclusion.
Nationally in 2014-15, 73.5% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 15 years and over accessed the internet in their home (table CtG17.1).
There is no comparable data on home access to the internet for non-Indigenous people. This means that estimating a trajectory to achieve parity is not currently possible.
There is no new data since the baseline year of 2014-15. Please refer to the How to interpret the data page for more information.

Historical and ongoing target context
Access to information is fundamental to the self-determination of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Accurate, relevant and timely information allows people and communities to make informed decisions in key areas of their lives (AIHW 2024; FNMA 2021). This information can strengthen community representation and participation in the design and delivery of services (CLC 2021). Participation and informed decision-making are underpinned by digital inclusion.
Digital inclusion ensures all Australians can access, afford and benefit from digital technology (NIAA 2023). This involves improved access to online services, telecommunications, news, information services and warnings, and delivery of appropriate media (FNMA 2021). Enhanced access and digital literacy can enable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to access essential services that can improve economic participation and overall wellbeing (FNDIAG 2023). As technology increasingly facilitates access to health, education, government, and utility services, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities stand to benefit from these opportunities (NACCHO 2021; Rennie et al. 2019).
Socio-economic factors, such as education, housing, and employment affect digital inclusion, particularly access to digital devices and the internet (McCallum and Papandrea 2009; NACCHO 2021). Access to information and services can be limited by factors such as access to and affordability of enabling infrastructure (FNDIAG 2023; FNMA 2021). Other factors that increase digital inclusion and enable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to make informed decisions about their own lives include:
- Improving the affordability of online access for households, such as for mobile data, internet packages, and devices (FNDIAG 2023). In remote areas where internet access is often available only via mobile, the cost of getting online can be higher compared with major cities (FNDIAG 2023).
- Ensuring sufficient telecommunications infrastructure, which involves expanding the types of connections available and ensuring necessary internet speeds, data allowances, and proximity to telecommunications infrastructure (FNDIAG 2023).
- Improving digital ability including connectivity literacy, digital literacy, skills, knowledge, and confidence with targeted training and support, particularly for older adults, people with disabilities, and those whose first language is not English (CLC 2021; FNDIAG 2023).
- Expanding community-controlled media services, which empower communities and promote self-representation (FNMA 2021). Delivery of culturally relevant and accessible media through a variety of formats in different languages can improve self-determination and promote social cohesion in the wider community (FNMA 2021).
AIHW (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare) 2024, Digital health - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, (accessed 19 September 2024).
CLC (Central Land Council) 2021, Indigenous Digital Inclusion Discussion Paper - Submission from the Central Land Council, Submission, (accessed 13 August 2024).
FNDIAG (First Nations Digital Inclusion Advisory Group) 2023, First Nations Digital Inclusion Advisory Group Initial Report, (accessed 5 July 2024).
FNMA (First Nations Media Australia) 2021, Response to the NIAA’s Discussion Paper from First Nations Media Australia, Submission, (accessed 13 August 2024).
McCallum, K and Papandrea, F 2009, ‘Community business: the internet in remote Australian Indigenous communities’, New Media & Society, vol. 11, no. 7, pp. 1230–1251.
NACCHO (National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation) 2021, Indigenous Digital Inclusion Plan Discussion Paper, Submission.
NIAA (National Indigenous Australians Agency) 2023, First Nations Digital Inclusion Plan (2023-26).
Rennie, E, Thomas, J and Wilson, C 2019, ‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and digital inclusion: what is the evidence and where is it?’, Communication Research and Practice, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 105–120.
Target data specifications
Outcome: | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have access to information and services enabling participation in informed decision-making regarding their own lives. |
Target: | By 2026, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have equal levels of digital inclusion. Comparable data on non-Indigenous people are currently not available. This means that there is currently no target or indicative trajectory to achieve parity. |
Indicator: | Proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 15 years or over who have accessed the internet at home in the last 12 months. |
Measure: | The measure is defined as: Numerator — number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 15 years and over who have accessed the internet at home in the last 12 months Denominator — total number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the population aged 15 years or over and is presented as a percentage. |
Target established: | National Agreement on Closing the Gap April 2021 |
Latest dashboard update: | 23 June 2021 |
Indicator type: | Target |
Interpretation of change: | A high or increasing proportion is desirable. An increase from the baseline year is an improvement. |
Data source(s): | Name: ABS National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey (NATSISS) Frequency: Periodic |
Data provider: | Provider name: Australian Bureau of Statistics Provider area: Centre for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Statistics |
Baseline year: | 2014-15 |
Target year: | 2026 |
Disaggregations: | State and territory and Australia. |
Computation: | Numerator divided by Denominator multiplied by 100 Counting rules Data are for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were usual residents of private dwellings in Australia. Geographical variables are based on the location of the household. Includes (numerator):
Excludes (numerator):
Supporting calculations
See the How to interpret data page for further information. Extraction TableBuilder – Age group – 15 years and over (Person level) X State or Territory (Household level) X Whether accessed internet at home in last 12 months (Person level) |
Data quality considerations: | See NATSISS explanatory notes for further information: ausstats/abs@.nsf/Latestproducts/4714.0Explanatory%20Notes12014-15?opendocument&tabname=Notes&prodno=4714.0&issue=2014-15 Data values have been randomly adjusted using perturbation to avoid the release of confidential data. Discrepancies may occur between sums of the component items and totals. Estimates that have a relative standard error between 25% and 50% should be used with caution. Estimates with a relative standard error of 50% or more are considered too unreliable for general use. |
Future reporting: | Future reporting will seek to include the following additional disaggregations:
Supporting indicators
- Levels of digital inclusion among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as compared with other Australians
Disaggregated by access, affordability and digital ability
- Proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander households accessing the internet
- Proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people accessing the internet
Disaggregated by point of access: home, work, school, public access, government shopfront
- Frequency of internet access at home in last 12 months
Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly
- Proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people using internet to access government services for private purposes
For example, health services, taxation, bill payments, social security payments
- Number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people employed in media
Disaggregated by income levels
Contextual information
- Number and location of community broadcast licenses with an Indigenous interest
- Number and location of broadcast transmitters
Material for download
- People have access to information and services enabling participation in informed decision-making regarding their own lives data tables (XLSX - 48 Kb)
- People have access to information and services enabling participation in informed decision-making regarding their own lives dataset (CSV - 77 Kb)
To assist with interpretation of the data provided (Excel data tables and CSV dataset) please refer to the target data specification (above) and the indicator data specifications (provided in each supporting indicator page – linked above).