Socio-economic outcome area 1

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people enjoy long and healthy lives



Rates of accessing/utilisation of health services

General Practitioner (GP) visits, health assessments (Medicare Benefit 715), chronic disease care items (Team Care arrangement and GP Management Plan)

Data tables appear under figures

Measure 1

Rate of GP visits

Nationally in 2021-22, 807.0 per 1,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (about four in five) attended non‑referred GP visits. This is above the previous two years (from a low of 781.5 per 1,000 people in 2020‑21) but it is a decrease from 821.1 per 1,000 people in 2016‑17 (figure SE1e.1).

Measure 2

Rate of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-specific health checks or assessments, by location of assessment

Nationally in 2022-23, 269.7 per 1,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (just over one in four) had Indigenous‑specific health checks or assessments. This rate is higher than 2021-22 (235.3 per 1,000 people) and is the first annual increase since the peak in 2018-19 (287.7 per 1,000 people) (figure SE1e.2). Nationally in 2022-23, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people mainly received Indigenous-specific health checks or assessments at health facilities or residential aged care (99%), with 1% obtaining checks via telehealth (table SE1e.2).

Measure 3

Rate of chronic disease care items (under Team Care Arrangements and GP Management Plans)

Nationally in 2021-22, 91.0 per 1,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people received chronic disease care under General Practitioner Management Plans, while 77.8 per 1,000 received chronic disease care under Team Care Arrangements. This is higher than 2020-21 (90.3 and 77.3 per 1,000 people, respectively) but it is a decrease since 2016‑17 (from 100.8 and 86.2 per 1,000 people, respectively) (figure SE1e.3).

Indicator data specifications

Indicator SE1e: Access/use of health services

Related Outcome:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people enjoy long and healthy lives.

Related target:

Close the Gap in life expectancy within a generation, by 2031.


Rates of accessing/utilisation of health services (General Practitioner (GP) visits, health assessments (Medicare Benefit 715), chronic disease care items (Team Care arrangement and GP management plan))


There are three measures for this indicator.

Measure 1 is the rate of people who received one or more non‑referred GP services per year, defined as:

Numerator – number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who accessed non-referred GP services

Denominator – number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the population

and is presented as a rate per 1,000 people.

Measure 2 is the rate of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who had Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander‑specific health checks or assessments, by assessment locations (telehealth, health facility and residential aged care), defined as:

Numerator – number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who had Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) health checks/assessments that are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander‑specific by assessment locations

Denominator – number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the population

and is presented as a rate per 1,000 people.

Measure 3 is the rate of people who accessed chronic disease care under GP Management Plans (GPMPs) and Team Care Arrangements (TCAs), defined as:

Numerator – number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who accessed MBS services for chronic disease care, separately for GPMPs and TCAs

Denominator – number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the population

and is presented as a rate per 1,000 people.

Indicator established:

National Agreement on Closing the Gap July 2020

Latest dashboard update for the indicator:

6 March 2024

Indicator type:


Interpretation of change:

For all measures, a high or increasing proportion is generally desirable as indicates greater access to services, but access to services should be considered in the context of population need.

Data source(s):

Numerator (all measures)

Name: Medicare data

Frequency: Annual


Denominator (all measures)

Name: Estimates and projections for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians

Frequency: Annual (data revised on a five-yearly basis)


Data provider:

Numerator (measures 1 and 3)

Provider name: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

Provider area: Indigenous Group

Numerator (measure 2)

Provider name: Department of Health

Provider area: MBS Analytics Section

Denominator (all measures)

Provider name: Australian Bureau of Statistics

Provider area: Demography

Baseline year:

All measures


Latest reporting period:

Measures 1 and 3


Measure 2



Measures 1

State and territory and Australia, by Indigenous status.

Measure 2

State and territory and Australia, by location of assessment.

Measures 1

State and territory and Australia, by Indigenous status, by chronic disease care.


All measures

Numerator divided by denominator multiplied by 1,000.

Age‑standardised rates (measures 1 and 3) are provided for context, to allow for comparisons between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous people. Age‑standardised rates are calculated using the direct method of age standardisation. This is a standard methodology and consists of:

  • calculating a series of crude rates for individual age ranges
  • weighting each of these age ranges by their proportional contribution to a standard population
  • summing the weighted ranges to derive the age‑standardised rate.

The MBS data does not include services:

  • rendered free‑of‑charge in recognised hospitals
  • that qualify for a benefit under the Department of Veterans' Affairs National Treatment Account
  • rendered under an entitlement conferred by legislation other than the Health
  • Insurance Act
  • rendered for insurance or employment purpose
  • for health screening
  • conducted through some Aboriginal Medical Services/ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled health organisation and state/territory health services.

Counting rules

Measures 1 and 3

The reference period is the Date‑of‑Service (DOS), using data processed to June the following year. Any claims processed after the following financial year are not counted. For example, for 2021–22 any claims processed after 30 June 2023 and provided during 2021‑22 have not been counted.

Data by geographic location is based on the patient’s geographic location which is determined using their Medicare enrolment address at the DOS. Unallocated patients are included in the Australian total.

GP services are episodes of care and include both physical visits and telehealth services.

Measure 1

Includes people who accessed non-referred GP services, including the following Medicare Australia ‘Broad Type of Service’ (BTOS) groups:

  • ‘A’ – GP/Vocationally Registered (VR) GP non‑referred attendances
  • ‘M’ - Enhanced Primary Care and
  • 'B’ – Non‑referred other attendances as published in official MBS statistics by the Department of Health.

Non‑referred GP services includes GP, vocationally registered GP, enhanced primary care and other non-referred services, but excludes practice nurse items, specialist and other services that are referred to receive Services Australia Medicare reimbursement.

Measure 2

Includes people who accessed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander‑specific health checks or assessments, including for the following locations/MBS items:

  • Health facility: MBS item 715 (introduced 1 May 2010) and MBS item 228 (introduced on 1 July 2018).
  • Telehealth: MBS items 92004, 92011, 92016 and 92023 (introduced 30 March 2020). MBS items 92016 and 92023 were removed on 30 June 2021.
  • Residential aged care: MBS items 93470 and 93479 (introduced 10 December 2020).

Reportedly separately for health facility and residential aged care (combined) and telehealth.

As a person can have multiple assessments at different assessment locations in a given year, the sum of people across assessment locations may be greater than the total number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who had health checks or assessments.

Measure 3

Includes people who accessed chronic disease care, including the following

Chronic Disease Management (CDM) items:

  • Team Care Arrangements: MBS item 723 and MBS item 230 (introduced on 1 July 2018). MBS item 92025 and MBS item 92056 (introduced on 30 March 2020).
  • GP Management Plans: MBS item 721 and MBS item 230 (introduced on 1 July 2018). MBS item 92024 and MBS item 92055 (introduced on 30 March 2020).

Reported separately for Team Care Arrangements and GP Management Plans.

Denominator (all measures):

Estimated population as at 31 December:

  • The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population is calculated from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population estimates and projections (series B).
  • The non‑Indigenous population is calculated by subtracting the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population from the total population.

Data quality considerations:

All measures

MBS data do not give a comprehensive picture of actual service delivery for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, as some service delivery (particularly in remote areas) is not covered fully under the Medicare system. For example, MBS data do not include services provided in the public health system or under other arrangements that do not attract an MBS claim (for example, some Aboriginal Medical Services/Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community controlled health organisations and state/territory health services).

Measures 1 and 3

Medicare data have been adjusted for under-identification in the Voluntary Indigenous Identifier (VII) database. Indigenous rates are therefore modelled and should be interpreted with caution. Estimates generated by the adjustment methodology for a given period will vary according to the point in time at which they are calculated, as the adjustment factors will be updated regularly to account for the ongoing change in the population coverage of the VII sample. More information on VII data is available at VII Framework.

Measure 2

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-specific Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF) items began in 2020‑21 and do not have enough volume to be reported on their own so these are combined with the Health facility items from that reporting year. Prior to 10 December 2020, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in RACFs had been able to access non-Indigenous specific health assessments performed by GPs and other medical professionals.

Future reporting:

Data for measures 1 and 3 will be revised once the Commonwealth Department of Health approve the Health and Aged Care Indigenous Identifier (HACII) for use. The Department has advised that the method of identifying Indigenous status in Medicare data is currently transitioning from the Voluntary Indigenous Identifier (VII) to the HACII. The Department no longer provides data based on the VII, and the HACII is in the process of clearance consultation and validation and is not anticipated to be finalised in time for data provision for the March 2024 dashboard update.

Future reporting will seek to include the following additional disaggregations:

  • remoteness areas
  • socio‑economic status of the locality
  • gender.

The Productivity Commission acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia and their continuing connection to land, waters and community. We pay our respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultures, Country and Elders past and present.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website may contain images, voices or names of people who have passed away.