- Australian Unity: Derek McMillan
- Benetas: Alan Gruner and Sandra Hills
- Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria: Dr Irene Bouzo, Marion Lau and Kate Ling
- ANF: Lee Thomas
- Carers Victoria: Anne Muldowney, Caroline Mulchany and Margaret Baulch
- Royal District Nursing Service: Georgia Hinton, Mark Smith
- National Ageing Research Institute: Briony Dow and Colleen Doyle
- Elder Rights Advocacy: Mary Lyttle
- Greg Mundy
- Villa Maria: Valerie Lyons
- Cheryl Young
- Connect Care: Paul Ostrowski
- Regis Group: Ross Johnston and Kirsty Nottle
- Lorraine Andrew
Melbourne — 22 March 2011
- Australian Services Union: Igor Draper
- Anna Howe
- Australian Psychological Society: Bo Li and David Stokes
- COTA: Ian Yates and Jo Root
- Dutch Care: Petra Neeleman and Alexis Hughes
- Fronditha Care: Penni Michael
- Alzheimer's Australia: Victoria Maree McCabe
- Australian Nursing Federation (Victoria): Paul Gilbert
- Wintringham: Bryan Lipmann and Helen Small
- Blind Citizens Australia: Jessica Zammit
- Jody Kerrins
- Irene Murphy
- Peter Sherman
Melbourne — 23 March 2011
- Doutta Galla Aged Services: Bruce Mildenhall and Denis Jones
- Aged and Community Care, Victoria: Gerard Mansour and Paul Zanatta
- Ukrainian Elderly Peoples Home: Mark Sheldon Stemm
- Erica Kurec
- Deborah Knapp
- Elizabeth Brooke
- Centre for Cultural Diversity in Aging: Ljubica Petrov
- Mary Owen
- Robyn Brown
- Vincent Care Victoria: John Blewonski
- Mary Archibald PSM
- William Silvester
- Rachael Fullam
- Brotherhood of St Laurence: Christina Morka and Helen Kimberly
- La Trobe University: Michael Taylor
Hobart — 24 March 2011
- Southern Cross Care Tasmania: Richard Saked and Ray Groom
- Royal Guide Dogs Tasmania: Dan English
- Advocacy Tasmania: Ken Hardaker and David Owen
- University of Tasmania: Andrew Robinson
- Aged and Community Services Tasmania: Darren Mathewson, Jill Savell and Rod Hunt
- University of Tasmania: Kim Boyer
- Health and Community Services Union (Tasmania): James Eddington
- Association of Independent Retirees (Tasmanian Division): Dick James
- Carers Association of Tasmania: Janis McKenna
- Faith Layton
- Australian Nursing Federation (Tasmania): Neroli Ellis
Brisbane — 25 Mar 2011
- John Fox
- Uniting Care Queensland / Blue Care: Anne Cross (Uniting Care Queensland), Robyn Batten (Blue Care) and Richard Olley (Blue Care)
- Dr Wayne Herdy
- Aged Care Queensland: Steve Begg
- KinCare: Therese Adami
- Carers Queensland: Debra Cottrell
- Mercy Aged Care Services: Peter Jardine
- Robert Jeremy
- United Voice: Michael De Brenni, Heather Jackson and April Anderson
- Association of Independent Retirees (Qld): Max Barton
- Professor Eileen Byrne
- QADA: Margaret Deane
- Association of Independent Retirees: Vincent Watson
Sydney — 28 Mar 2011
- Australian Medical Association: Dr Andrew Pesce
- Combined Pensioners and Superannuants Association of NSW Inc: Charmaine Crowe
- Ethnic Communities' Council of NSW: Caroline Romeo and Joyce Van Akkeren
- Presbyterian Aged Care NSW and ACT, PresCare Qld: Paul Sadler and Greg Skelton
- Public Interest Advocacy Centre: Peter Dodd
- Intel-GE Care Innovations: Dr George Margelis
- LHMU: Sue Lines and Sam Porter
- Australian Institute of Population Ageing Research: Laurel Hixon
- Robin Turnham
- Dr Waldemar Niemetko
- NSW Nurses Association: Brian Mason, Mary McLeod and Terri Burrell
- Carers NSW: Elena Katrakis
- New England HACC Development: Debra Pugh
- Dr Peter Foltyn
- Clive Wright
- Older Women's Network: Margaret Kearney
- Medical Technology Association of Australia: Anne Trimmer
- Macular Degeneration Foundation: Julie Heraghty and Rob Cummins
Sydney — 29 Mar 2011
- Younger Onset Dementia Association Inc: Alison Easton
- ACON: Alan Brotherton and Ian Walker
- The College of Nursing: Tracey Osmond
- Health Services Union East: Michael Williamson and Marco Bolano
- Gabrielle Meagher and Bob Davidson
- Peter Samsa and Alan Owen
- Quality Aged Care Action Group: Lucille McKenna and Betty Johnson
- Dr Henry Cutler
- Kathy Chalker
- Cameron Way
- ACSAA NSW ACT: Jill Pretty
- Merrill and Mara Whitehead
- Community Transport Organisation NSW: Helen Battalino and Kane Allen
- John Trounce
- Association of Independent Retirees: Richard Gould and Robert Curley
- Dr Ben Spies-Butcher
- ACAA NSW: Charles Wurf
- Clara Jones
Adelaide — 31 Mar 2011
- Aged Care Association of Australia SA: Paul Carberry
- ECH Incorporated, Resthaven Incorporated and Eldercare Incorporated: Rob Hankins and David Kemp (ECH Inc), Richard Hearn (Resthaven Inc) and Klaus Zimmerman (Eldercare Inc)
- Multicultural Aged Care Incorporated: Rosa Colanero and Maria Johns
- United Voice SA: Paul Martin, Martin Farrow and Mischelle Camillo
- Aged and Community Services (SA and NT): Alan Graham
- Royal Society for the Blind SA: Dennis Moir
- Jenny Briggs
- Betty O'Halloran
- Australian Nursing Federation (SA Branch): Elizabeth Debars, Rob Bonner and Jo Wagner
- Carers SA: Rosemary Warmington
- Ethnic Link Services - Uniting Care Wesley Port Adelaide: Angelika Tyrone
- Advocates for Seniors in Care: Grace Jackman
- Josephine Swiggs
- Masonic Homes Limited: Doug Strain
- Independent Association of Retirees SA: Stan Webster
Perth — 1 Apr 2011
- Aged and Community Services WA: Stephen Kobelke, Ray Glickman and Vaughan Harding
- Carers WA: Paul Coates and Donna Turner
- St Bartholomew's House: Sally Kindon-Barbosa
- Aged Care Association Australia WA: Anne-Marie Archer
- Baptistcare: Lucy Morris, Ken Baker, Harold Preston and Toni Stampalija
- Volunteer Taskforce: Diedre Timms
- United Voice WA: Dave Kelly
- Angela Smith
- The Visiting Dentist: Clive Rogers
- Tony Fowke
- Silver Chain: Gill Lewin and Avril Fahey
- Wayne Belcher
- GLBTI Retirement Association Incorporated: Jude Comfort
- Aegis Aged Care Group: Geoff Taylor and Michael Cross
Canberra — 5 April 2011
- Aged Care Association of Australia (ACAA): Rod Young
- Catholic Health Australia: Richard Gray and Nick Mersiades
- Maree Bernoth (Charles Sturt University)
- Aged and Community Services Australia (ACSA): Pat Sparrow and Lesley Dredge
- ACT Disability, Aged and Carer Advocacy Service (ADACAS): Michael Woodhead
- National Seniors Australia: Michael O'Neill and Peter Matwijiw
- Alzheimer's Australia: Ellen Skladzien
- Disability Advocacy Network Australia (DANA): Andrea Simmons
- Challenger Ltd: David Cox and Tony Boffinger
- Council on the Ageing (Australia) (COTA): Ian Yates and Jo Root
- Elizabeth Hannan
- Royal College of Nursing Australia (RCNA): Maryann Curry and Laurie Grealish
Canberra — 6 April 2011
- Carers Australia: Mary Reid, Evan Mann and Christina Rowell
- Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) - ACT Branch: Athalene Rosborough, Jennifer Miragaya, Brenda Clark and Maureen Willis
- Anglicare Australia: Kasy Chambers and Roland Manderson
- National Stroke Foundation: Rebecca Naylor
- Palliative Care Australia: Yvonne Luxford
- Anglicare Canberra Goulburn: Peter Sandeman, Irene Stein and Gayle Sweaney
- The Pharmacy Guild of Australia: Glenn Ward and Khin Win May
- Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia (FECCA): Pino Migliorino and Padma Menon
Brisbane — 7 April 2011
- Guide Dogs Queensland: Chris Laine and Bashir Ebrahim
- Association of Residents of Queensland Retirement Villages: Les Armstrong, Phil Phillips and David Wise
- James Underwood and Associates: James Underwood
- Older People Speak Out: Val French and Elizabeth Sheppard
- Aged Care Queensland: Nick Ryan, Barry Ashcroft, Darryl and Geri Taylor
- Queensland Nurses Union: Beth Mohle, Vonnie Semple, Dr Liz Todhunter, Jeanette Wiley, Cheryl Dorron and Mary Stanaghan
Darwin — 11 April 2011
- Australian Nurses Federation NT: Yvonne Falckh
- Alzheimer's Australia NT Inc: Ruth Leslie-Rose, Ray Norman, Kathleen Short and Les Fern
- COTA (NT): Robin Lesley
- Masonic Homes: Jan Marlborough
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