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The Australia-New Zealand Economic Analysis (ANZEA) Model


The Australia-New Zealand Economic Analysis (ANZEA) model was developed to illustrate some of the effects of various aspects of integration on the Australian and New Zealand economies as part of the report on Strengthening Economic Relations between Australia and New Zealand.

It is a global general equilibrium model that is based on the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) model. The model is an example of 'simplified general equilibrium modelling', where the only equations included in the model are the equations required to solve the general equilibrium problem.

A description of the ANZEA model and the results that it produces are presented in 'Supplementary Paper E: Economy-wide modelling of economic integration' of the report on Strengthening Economic Relations between Australia and New Zealand.

Comments in the program are designed to provide guidance about how the model works. For this reason, users need a working knowledge about GEMPACK. Two referees' reports relating to the use of the model for the aforementioned project are available on this web page.

Productivity Commission conditions for using the computer files

  • This program is provided to enable users to replicate results and to further the development of research in related areas
  • The Commission will not provide users of these programs with any support.
  • The Commission accepts no liability for any errors in the programs.
  • Users of the programs, including users that derive new variations of the model, should acknowledge the Productivity Commission. The appropriate citation is:
    • Australian Productivity Commission and New Zealand Productivity Commission 2012, Strengthening trans-Tasman economic relations, Joint Study, Final Report.

In downloading these programs, you are accepting these conditions.

System requirements

Users of these programs require licensed GEMPACK software to be able to run and solve the models - available at: (external link).

Download the model files