Auto industry (2002)
Consultancy report
This report produced by the Centre of International Ecomomics was presented at the Modelling Workshop on 27 May 2002.
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- Contents
1 Introduction
This report
Some key results
Key features of the modelling design
2 PMV tariffs
Reducing Australia’s PMV tariffs
Reducing Australian and APEC PMV tariffs
3 Manufacturing tariffs
Australian and APEC manufacturing tariffs reduced to 5 per cent
Australian and APEC manufacturing tariffs removed
4 Manufacturing tariffs and agricultural protection
APEC tariffs and agricultural protection reduced to 5 per cent
Removing Australian and APEC protection
Removing world manufacturing tariffs and agricultural protection
5 Sensitivity analysis
Changes in parameter groups
Alternate closure
A Appendix: technical simulation details
Model aggregation
Database adjustments
Solution method