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Industry Commission inquiry report

Signed 18 / 02 / 1993

The report contains the findings of the Industry Commission public inquiry, in response to a request from the Commonwealth Government, to examine the production and cost structure of the Australian horticultural industry, assess the methods used by selected other countries to support horticultural exports, and identify structural and other issues which, in comparison with overseas producers, affect the competitiveness of Australian producers in overseas markets.

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  • Contents

Cover, Copyright, Signing Page, Acknowledgement, Contents, Abbreviations, Terms of Reference, Introduction


1 Scope of the Inquiry and the Commission's Approach

2 World markets for Horticulture

3 Austrailan Horticulture

4 Production

5 Transport

6 Regulatory and Assistance Issues

7 Institutional Arrangements

8 Summary of Findings and Recommendations


1 Production, Trade and Assistance
1.1 World production and trade
1.2 General characteristics of Australian horticulture
1.3 Australian production, cosumption and trade
1.4 Assistance to horticulture
1.5 Summary

2 Costs of Production and Distribution
2.1 Production and distribution chain
2.2 On-farm costs
2.3 Packing and grading
2.4 Transport
2.5 Economies of size and scope
2.6 Horticultural research and development
2.7 Other costs
2.8 Summary

3 Domestic Marketing
3.1 Fresh markets
3.2 Horticultural produce for processing
3.3 Co-operatives and vertical integration
3.4 Domestic demand
3.5 Promotion
3.6 Food and quality standards and labelling requirements
3.7 Import barriers for horticultural products
3.8 Summary

4 Export Marketing
4.1 Current exports
4.2 Trading organisations
4.3 Export marketing arrangements
4.4 Export marketing strategies
4.5 Commonwealth Government involvement
4.6 Interventions of overseas governments
4.7 Summary

5 The AHC: Structure, Operations and Effectiveness in Increasing International Competitiveness
5.1 Structure and operations
5.2 Australian Dried Fruits Board
5.3 Effectiveness of the AHC in increasing international competitiveness

6 The AHC: Proposals for Reform
6.1 The AHC approach
6.2 The Commission's recommendations about the AHC levy and funding arrangements
6.3 The Commission's recommendations about the AHC trading powers and export licencing

7 Other Commonwealth Institutions
7.1 Horticultural Research and Development Corporation
7.2 The Horticultural Policy Council
7.3 Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service

PART C Appendices

A Recent substantive studies

B Inquiry procedures

C Inquiry participants

D Executive summary of the Industry Commission report on the AHC

E Statistics

F Assessing international competitveness

G Cost structure of Australian horticulture

H International cost comparisons

I Taxation, social and environmental issues

J Horticultural research

K Horticultural promotion

L Australian insitutional arrangements

M Overseas interventions

N Australian citrus industry


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