Safeguards inquiry into the import of pigmeat (2008)
Inquiry report
This inquiry report was released by the Australian Government on 4 April 2008.
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- Safeguards Inquiry into the Import of Pigmeat (PDF 939.8 KB)
- Safeguards Inquiry into the Import of Pigmeat - by chapters ( 774.6 KB)
- Contents
Cover, Copyright, Terms of reference, Contents, Abbreviations and Acronyms, Overview, Findings and recommendations
1 Introduction to the inquiry, and to the industry
1.1 What the Commission was asked to do
1.2 Reason for the inquiry
1.3 The Australian market for pigmeat: a snapshot
1.4 How the inquiry was conducted
1.5 Structure of the report
2 Safeguards criteria and industry definition
2.1 What is safeguard action?
2.2 What are the criteria for applying safeguard measures?
2.3 Which Australian industry produces 'like' or 'directly competitive' goods?
3 Assessing the case for safeguard action
3.1 The market for pigmeat
3.2 What has happened to imports?
3.3 Was the increase in imports due to unforeseen developments?
3.4 Is the industry suffering serious injury, or is it threatened?
3.5 Have increased imports caused or threatened to cause serious injury?
4 Developments in industry structure and operation
4.1 Background to recent developments in structure and operation
4.2 What are the key changes since 2005?
4.3 What impact do regulations have on industry structure and operations?
4.4 What are the impacts of government and industry programs?
5 Feed costs and availability
5.1 Feed price trends
5.2 Are Australian producers disadvantaged?
5.3 Reducing the cost of feed
5.4 Factors affecting prices and availability of grain for pigmeat producers
6 Additional considerations
6.1 Safeguards: interpretation and application
6.2 Measures to improve industry competitiveness
6.3 Is additional assistance warranted?
A Public consultation
B Commonwealth Gazettes and GATT Article XIX
C Econometric analysis