Review of the Prices Surveillance Act 1983
Inquiry report
This inquiry report was sent to government on 14 August 2001 and publicly released on 20 August 2002.
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- Contents
Cover, Copyright, Signing Page, Terms of reference, Contents, Abbreviations, Key messages, Overview, Findings and recommendation
1 Introduction
1.1 Defining prices oversight
1.2 Key features of the Prices Surveillance Act 1983
1.3 The Commission's approach
1.4 Conduct of the inquiry
2 Prices oversight in Australia
2.1 Prices oversight before the Prices Surveillance Act
2.2 Operation of the Prices Surveillance Act, 1983 to the early 1990s
2.3 Changing economic environment
2.4 Changing role of the Prices Surveillance Act
3 Prices oversight as part of competition policy and law
3.1 Relevant provisions of the Trade Practices Act
3.2 Is there a case for additional price control powers?
3.3 Is there a case for inquiries and monitoring?
3.4 Implications for the instruments of prices oversight in the PS Act
4 Evaluation of the Prices Surveillance Act
4.1 Approach to evaluating the Prices Surveillance Act
4.2 Objectives of the Prices Surveillance Act
4.3 Identifying the significance of monopolistic pricing
4.4 Evaluation of options
4.5 Separating policy and regulatory roles
4.6 Best practice principles for administering prices oversight
4.7 Compliance costs
4.8 Effects of the PS Act on investment
4.9 Does the PS Act restrict competition?
4.10 Findings
5 Implementing prices oversight
5.1 Repeal the Prices Surveillance Act and rely on other arrangements
5.2 The Commission’s preferred approach: repeal the Prices Surveillance Act and incorporate a new part in the Trade Practices Act
A Conduct of the inquiry
A.1 Introduction
A.2 Submissions received
A.3 Visits
B Best practice principles for prices oversight
B.1 Best practice principles for prices oversight
B.2 Best practice process for prices oversight
C International perspective on the changing role of prices oversight
C.1 The role of prices oversight in restraining inflation and wages
C.2 The role of prices oversight in competition policy
C.3 Trends in prices oversight in other countries