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Productivity review (2017)


Submissions received for the Productivity Review public inquiry.

* Submissions marked with an asterisk have omitted 'In confidence' content - part or all of the submission is not online.

# Hash denotes some attachments are not available online. Contact the project team for access if necessary.

% Percent symbol denotes scanned image PDFs which are not readable by some screen readers. For help read our accessibility statement.

Submissions received for the Productivity Review inquiry.
No. Name Pages Received
1 Prof John Foster (PDF - 134.9 KB) 10 04/10/2016
2 Les Godfrey (PDF - 121.7 KB) 2 16/11/2016
  Les Godfrey (Word - 28.8 KB)    
Attachment: A Primer on Economic Growth, Productivity and Shared Prosperity (PDF - 832.4 KB) 54 16/11/2016
  Attachment: A Primer on Economic Growth, Productivity and Shared Prosperity (Word - 533.7 KB)    
3 Anatomics Pty Ltd (PDF - 182.8 KB) 6 21/11/2016
  Anatomics Pty Ltd (Word - 55.8 KB)    
4 Dig Econ Research (PDF - 215.4 KB) 5 22/11/2016
  Dig Econ Research (Word - 120.0 KB)    
5 Name Withheld (PDF - 54.4 KB) 1 23/11/2016
  Name Withheld (Word - 25.7 KB)    
6 Gregory Perryman (PDF - 120.6 KB) 2 28/11/2016
  Gregory Perryman (Word - 28.7 KB)    
7 Master Electricians Australia (MEA) (PDF - 569.2 KB) 8 29/11/2016
8 Land Values Research Group (PDF - 94.7 KB) 1 03/12/2016
  Land Values Research Group (Word - 26.0 KB)    
9 Tom Lewis (PDF - 92.4 KB) 2 07/12/2016
  Tom Lewis (Word - 21.3 KB)    
10 Queensland Nurses' Union (QNU) (PDF - 444.4 KB) 14 07/12/2016
11 Katarzyna Kiepek (PDF - 20.8 KB) 1 12/12/2016
12 Lisa Denny (PDF - 866.8 KB) 11 12/12/2016
13 Jason Murphy (PDF - 130.4 KB) 5 12/12/2016
14 Alison Procter (PDF - 189.0 KB) 1 12/12/2016
15 Institute of Public Affairs (PDF - 3.7 MB) 49 12/12/2016
16 Early Learning Association Australia (PDF - 304.4 KB) 4 12/12/2016
17 Prosper Australia (PDF - 620.6 KB) 14 12/12/2016
18 Australian Logistics Council (PDF - 1.9 MB) 7 14/12/2016
19 Australian Taxpayers Alliance (PDF - 682.3 KB) 8 12/12/2016
20 Independent Schools Victoria (PDF - 59.6 KB) 3 12/12/2016
21 Sean McNelis (PDF - 71.2 KB) 7 14/12/2016
22 Per Capita (PDF - 157.9 KB) 6 14/12/2016
23 Laurie Taylor (PDF - 41.8 KB) 6 14/12/2016
16 Terrence O’Brien (PDF - 223.4 KB) 16 14/12/2016
25 James McDonald (PDF - 465.9 KB) 6 14/12/2016
26 Bill Ranken (PDF - 278.8 KB) 17 14/12/2016
27 Australian Electric Vehicle Association Inc. (PDF - 121.1 KB) 8 14/12/2016
28 Housing Industry Association (PDF - 4.9 MB) 64 14/12/2016
29 University of Sydney (PDF - 144.5 KB) 5 14/12/2016
30 Minerals Council of Australia (PDF - 1.0 MB) 21 14/12/2016
31 Australian Trucking Association (PDF - 450.2 KB) 9 14/12/2016
32 Australian Financial Markets Association (AFMA) (PDF - 464.2 KB) 31 22/12/2016
33 LSI Consulting (PDF - 1.1 MB) 53 22/12/2016
34 Australasian College of Road Safety (ACRS) (PDF - 857.0 KB) 12 22/12/2016
35 Judith Leeson (PDF - 88.6 KB) 5 27/12/2016
  Judith Leeson (Word - 40.5 KB)    
36 Ai Group (PDF - 1.4 MB) 1 11/01/2017
37 Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) (PDF - 408.5 KB) 38 04/01/2017
  Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) (Word - 160.7 KB)    
38 Australian Mines and Metals Association (PDF - 775.2 KB) 32 12/01/2017
39 Local Government Association of Queensland (PDF - 4.5 MB) 10 22/01/2017
Attachment 1: Digital Productivity Report 2015 (PDF - 683.4 KB) 28 22/01/2017
Attachment 2: Remotely Piloted Aircraft – the essential tool to enhance Local Government service capabilities (PDF - 6.4 MB) 49 22/01/2017
40 John Cleeland (PDF - 21.9 KB) 3 22/01/2017
  John Cleeland (Word - 18.1 KB)    
Attachment: Podcars: efficient; safe; liveable; profits; jobs (PDF - 834.6 KB) 9 22/01/2017
  Attachment: Podcars: efficient; safe; liveable; profits; jobs (Word - 1.8 MB)    
41 ACT Government (PDF - 1.2 MB) 11 21/02/2017
42 Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) (PDF - 669.6 KB) 19 10/02/2017
43 Centre for Independent Studies (CIS) (PDF - 8.2 MB) 56 15/12/2016
Attachment: Submission continued (PDF - 3.7 MB) 67 15/12/2016
44 Clearways (PDF - 10.5 MB) 31 27/06/2017
45 Peter Brohier (PDF - 175.1 KB) 11 03/07/2017
  Peter Brohier (Word - 37.1 KB)    
Attachments 1-19 (PDF - 5.9 MB) % image PDF 60 03/07/2017
46 Australian Automobile Association (AAA) (PDF - 289.4 KB) 3 07/12/2016
Attachment: AAA Policy Position on Transport Market Reform (PDF - 911.4 KB) 12 07/12/2016
47 Western Sydney Local Health District Consumer Council (PDF - 805.2 KB) 13 18/06/2018

Please note: Submission 47 was received after the completion of this inquiry so is not referenced in the final report.



Submission content


Alana Garn

Please help tackle our ‘throwaway culture’ by cutting VAT on fixing everything from bicycles to washing machines. If there was anything to help contribute to making our country less wasteful and more efficient this would be it. It helps small businesses and encourages less waste. We should follow in Sweden's footsteps. Thank you


Aleksei Raymont

This submission will save the government, business and individuals a lot of time and money. The Problem: Every time someone changes address, phone number and other information that is required by banks, government (licences, Centerlink etc), insurance companies. We have to contact each individual place in order to give them the updated information. This is a real pain in the ass especially if your in defence or another organisation which requires you to change address throughout your career. The Fix: Create a government application or service online where you can simply log in, do some security verification and place your new details. From here you can upload the government departments, businesses, banks etc that need to be informed for your change of contact details and residential address. Once your details have been updated on this app or online service it will automatically send the details to the relevant places and let you know by SMS or logging back on to the service that your details have been changed by each business or agency. Further problems: The government wastes too much time and money trying to get anything done. So this idea will probably be taken by some smart entrepreneur who will make millions by charging us to use a service as described. Probably an overseas company making our money leave Australia of a service the government could easily provide. A further problem would also be hacking, if someone was able to hack the system they would have everyone's personal details. It'd suck if you have any crazy stalking ex's. Conclusion: Having a government run service where you can change your contact details and address to be sent to all business and agencies will save the government, business and the people a lot of time and money. Hope someone in government can read this and make it happen. Please only contact me via email as my phone will be disabled until February.


Amanda Bremner

The MyGov website. It should allow us to update mobile phone numbers directly online, instead of having to call a government call centre that's either always engaged or leads to ridiculous wait times. I've not yet been able to lodge my tax return as my mobile number changed after a redundancy, and I don't have time to wait for the government to answer my call. I've already provided security questions, personal info that could be automatically cross referenced, or maybe even allow us to update the number and let your call centre then call us back on the new number and ask whatever questions they need to (if the myriads of personal information that I could provide in an online form isn't adequate to confirm my identity.) Whatever option is chosen, there is surely a more productive option for both the government and citizens.


Amanda Irelan

Government organisations should be able to easily share information. For example, the teacher's board has to get the criminal records for all teachers from all countries that the applicant has lived in. This is also required for permanent residency. Both departments would save time and money if they would share information. This goes for hr departments in government organisations too, when an employee changes locations. There is a lot of excess paperwork when transferring sites in the same organisation. Also, all junior doctors in WA have to apply for their same job every year! What's a waste! Also, filling in the passenger form every time you fly. Why? What a waste!


Angus Dunn

Australia is one of the only liberal democracies in the world with such draconian bike laws. The Melbourne bike sharing system hasn't worked to the same extent as Paris for example, the reason is because people have to BUY bike helmets! Change the law so that when riding a hired bike in the CBD, bike helmets are not mandatory. If the government wants a return on its investment, that law needs to change.


Blake Buckland

When building a new home in an estate where the land is sold by people such as Stocklands, why are they not given a certain level of authority to approve dwellings to be built immediately without requiring the submission to council unless there are relaxation applications required? Would it no make sense to have a minimum standard approved by the developer - any shortfalls would then be a liability of theirs?


Bronwyn Cullen

There should be an "Australian" national driver licence. Not a state based system. There are differing rules and regulations between states where people who have their licence suspended in a state can continue to drive in the other states. No flags to police evident. That's just one example. We are a very itinerant community so why are we constantly transferring our driver licences? Bureaucracy gone crazy with each state doing their own thing. The cost is massive with duplication. It would also stop drivers transferring their licences interstate to avoid penalties. Ie: suspensions, medical reporting etc.


Brooke Renwick

Why do we have to see a GP for a referral to a specialist? It costs a lot of wasted government money. Most people know if there is a need to see a specialist.


Catherine Burney

I think the bus stops are too close together especially in the inner west.. People should have to walk further.


Chris Scott

Removal of state based registration. Rather than have state based vehicle registration and state based vehicle requirements, adopt a national standard of licences, registration, and roadwirthiness requirements. This will enable buying and selling if vehicles interstate easier, leading to more economic growth (I would happily fly to Brisbane to buy a car despite living in Canberra, though currently it's a painful process to transfer that car) Then, look at a National bucket of money and divide it per state based on requirements, WA has a similar population to Tasmania and yet has 10x the transport infrastructure required for vehicles, NSW is about mid-range, but would be gaining amongst the highest amount of profit from vehicle registration. This would also assist members of the Australian Defence Force, whereupon they move frequently and often with little choice to the member. This would make the process far more streamlined.


Christopher Key

I drive a lot for work and I see driver behaviour is the biggest cause of traffic not the roads. People travel too close to the car in front so at a merge, everyone needs to stop to allow cars to merge, furthermore in traffic, cars keep breaking which eventually causes the traffic to a stop down the line. I've have seen in another country lights on the side of the road which shows the speed you should travel in traffic. If it's heavy traffic, everyone should possibly now slow to 40kms per hour. Which will mean traffic will slow but will stay moving. A sign above telling drivers to keep a gap as a merge is approaching could be a good idea as well. It's so simple yet no one gets it. A visual representation of the "zipper" merge above a merge could work too.


Daniel Thomas

WA still has a large number of FIFO workers and will a large metro area 100+km spanning from Mandurah to Joondalup. there is a great Train system in place from these 2 locations to Perth CBD but only bus services to the Airport. a Light rail system would help remove a lot of FIFO traffic (mostly single occupant vehicles) and also make it far easier for tourists to travel into the city, it could also be setup to help move smaller packages for Australia post or other company's to help off set costs of building a light rail.


Darren Corr

Amalgamate the states together in reference to licences and laws. If moving interstate, I shouldn't have to worry about driving licences, boat licences, weapons licences etc. Also need to amalgamate road laws, vehicle modification laws, driving licence laws.


David Vesey-Brown

Here in Canberra, the lights work like the 1970s, the timing is all off and very slow, i don't think they have any pressure plates, or magnetic detection at all. all the lights are old timed lights. changing to a more dynamic traffic system (really doesn't need to be that fancy) will help a great deal with traffic flow for canberra, especially at night time. send some people to Brisbane and learn how the traffic lights work especially late at night and put the same principals in place here. also for safety change the form 1 lane areas of the roads...either remove them completely or allow more more room to merge they are incredibly dangerous. at woden near the westfield you have to merge 3 times in less than 500 meters.


Debbie Wallace

I can't fathom why council workers here are paid to mark roadkill with fluro paint....what a waste of money! I want that job!!! Ridiculous


Dimitrios Coutsourelos

Please make traffic lights have a count down as they do in Thailand. This will speed up traffic and make everything more efficient.


Eddie Hoade

"Turn left on red" at traffic lights. So much wasted time - and it has been removed from many safe intersections as what appears a roll back. Like in the USA, have signs for "No left turn on Red" instead.


Emma Liggett

I am in the process of relocating from SA to QLD and have had to reregister with their version of the Teachers' Registration Board. This seems utterly ridiculous! Plus it cost me A LOT of money! It made me think of the poor people in the armed forces who go between states. Big waste of resources, we should have a country wide register like nurses. Thank you


Fiona Wrigley

Why not use some of our uninhabitable arid land to build solar farms. We could power our entire country with renewable sustainable energy. Perhaps we could employ / train local indigenous people to manage and maintain them creating job opportunities for rural indigenous communities. It would also drastically reduce our carbon footprint, whilst also reducing costs for Australian households.


George Azzi

As I mentioned in my letter to the former transport minister, I think Sydney need and overhead bicycle belt around the city. It could be build for multipurpose to protect people from sun, rain, enjoy the walk and get bicycles off the road. Sydney street can't handle all the congestions as it is now.


Glen Hobby

Hi, My suggestion is to change the way that garbage is picked up from residences. The current way has existed for 100+ years and involves a large, noisy garbage truck travelling slowly through residential suburbs in the early hours of the morning. This is done one day per week. My suggestion is that we change this approach to one where every day a small, electric garbage truck travels through the suburbs and empties any garbage bin put out on the nature strip. As garbage pickup would be daily, there would be less garbage picked up on each trip which means you could use a small, quiet, electric garbage truck. We wouldn't need to remember which day is garbage day as it would be every day. Also safer as there wouldn't be such big garbage trucks travelling along narrow residential streets. And, so much quieter too! Thanks Glen


Graham Coates

Reduce the number of traffic lights at intersections and increase the use of roundabouts. This will improve the flow of traffic, reduce road rage, avoid issues when there is a power failure or light fault, develop driver competency and sense of responsibility AND save fuel. Why wait at a red when there are few or no vehicles coming from other directions. When busy traffic flow would be quicker too.

Reduce the layers of government. Local council and state government should combine into one "local" level of government. Federal government should have "national" control of some functions which are currently state managed eg education, health, transport. Too many interstate differences and bureaucracies.

Welfare benefits relating to children of all ages should be dependent on attendance and meeting minimum participation and achievement standards (with exceptions for medical) at school. For those who don't receive welfare benefits they should compensate society by paying extra tax.


Greg Black

While commuting on State Rail, I often see small tracts of land between the rail tracks, and the State Rail land boundary. Usually closed off by a cyclone wire fence. These pieces of land and sometimes necessary for maintenance access etc.. however clearly a lot are not. In urban areas, this could be used for cycle paths, or car parking. Just move the cyclone fence closer to the rail tracks and free up this wasted space. Ask the State Governments to look for these opportunities in their networks, some are relatively easy to modify without major expense.

Just North of Epping Station (on the Sydney city State rail network, there is an emergency services road tunnel that goes under the railway. This is always closed. Given the enormous traffic bottle neck at Epping bridge, why not open this to the general public, for local people only. If you qualify as a local, you simply register with your e-tag, and as you pass through you're free, (or a very small fee like 50c). If you're not local, then the sign posted cost is $25. Not a fine, but a deterrent to use as an out of area daily rat run. It would make it easier for locals to get around their suburb, slightly reduce the choke point at Epping bridge, and raise some money. Locals are unlikely to complain because it's intended for themselves, and any extra money collected can be put into local projects, parks etc. The access lane is already there, so it's just the cost of the e-tag camera, linking to e-tag, determining the eligibility criteria by locality.


Hamish Morgan

Hi there, To help with traffic congestion. A road rule similar to north America could be introduced letting us turn left at anytime with care even if at a red light. This is a simple rule and would not require any structural change and would ease conjestion. So often people are stuck at red lights with no traffic on the roads that have the green. This needs to change. Thanks Hamish Morgan


Hannah Philips

Please bring in diagonal pedestrian crossing in cities, all the major cities I have lived in around the world have this - currently Melbourne is not a pedestrian friendly city. Particularly at key infrastructure intersections eg. Flinders street station, Southern Cross station. I would save 7 minutes in the morning getting to work if I didn't have to wait to cross four streets this could be cut to 2 with diagonal crossings. In Auckland the diagonal crossing have timers which count down from 20-30seconds so everyone knows what is going on.


Harley Bailey

Please change the pricing structure for long term tickets with Public Transport Victoria because currently it punishes people for trying to use public transport. Currently if you buy a 70 day ticket (10 weeks), it is valid for 70 consecutive days. This makes no sense because there will be days where you don't use the services, but are still paying for those days anyway (e.g. on the weekend). Or if you get sick and have to take a few weeks off work you end up losing all those days you paid for. With the way it currently works if you don't use the days on the weekend, you end up losing almost 30% of the days in a 70 day ticket. My proposal is that if you buy a 70 day ticket it should only take a day from you if you tap on. So Monday to Friday you tap on and lose 5 days, but through the weekend you may not tap on and thus don't lose those days. This is a flexible approach where you only pay for days when you are actually using the service. If this pricing structure was adopted, I believe a lot more people would take up using public transport.


Hayden Quinney

We need to have a container deposit legislation in the state of NSW. I'm sure everyone would be happy to pay a 10 cent deposit per bottle which would be refunded when the bottle is returned. This would encourage more people to recycle and also discourage people from throwing their containers onto the street.


Jacquie Oud

When dealing with Centrelink for youth allowance I as the parent needed to provide income information for my sons application.. Centrelink already has my income information for the last 19 years and my estimate for this year and I didn't know why I couldn't provide my consent for them to access the information to assess my sons eligibility.. but no.. I had to complete all details again in a 20 page hard copy form, not even able to submit online!!!! So there were two more efficient options to provide this info but I had to complete a hard copy form and then hand it in at a centrlelink office..


James Golding

introduce dvorak keyboards in schools to replace qwerty. qwerty is outdated, slower than dvorak, more likely to result in RSI, yet qwerty is still dominant. To be effective, it needs to change in schools, so that the knock on effect can be applied to business once that generation leaves school


Jamie Parris

Remove the need to address mail. Instead, write a customer number on the envelope that is scanned by Australia Post who then stamps it with the address at the sorting office. PROS - Central repository for address information - No need to update multiple people if you move - No need to disclose your address - Can switch addresses online easily if moving or on holiday for a long time (no need to pay for redirection)


Jason Rogers

Perth - Traffic Lights having lived in every Australian capital city except Hobart, and traveling to multiple cities around the world, I can say with confidence the traffic light timing and system here in Perth is the worst I have seen, without competition. Traffic lights will eventually go green after holding all directions of a cross road still for up to a minute, only to let 3 or 4 cars on a turning lane through before turning to amber again, despite there being upwards of 20 cars waiting to turn during peak hour. further on this issue, there are traffic lights that will remain green on vacant roads while traffic continues to back up on a red light, the lights will then change, to let the vacant cross roads go, while traffic continues to remain backed up at red lights. Having spoken to many people in Perth, most do not realize that this is not normal and actually have said that they take this time to make phone calls, text, light a cigarette and so on, all of which are very dangerous things to be doing and distract them from noticing when the light finally goes green. the pedestrian crossing lights are also either timed without button activation or have no sensor so they will activate to stop traffic, even if they are not required to do so, further adding to the delays and inefficiencies of the traffic system. With the amount of road works happening all over the city, matched with drivers here refusing to merge safely this is something that needs to be looked at in depth to make the roads a safer place for everyone Thank you for your time reading this


Jennifer Body

I recently got married and decided to change my surname to my husband's surname. If I had known how annoying it was to do this - I never would have done it. Surely lot's of people go through this process? Why isn't it easier? Why not have a system where you elect to eiether change your name or not through Births, Deaths and Marriages and have Births, Deaths and Marriages issue your marriage certificate to all the organisations you deal with and advise of the change of name. I would have much preferred to write a list of my bank, super fund, employer information right down to what frequent flyer program i am with - rather than contact each organisation separately and fill in their unique forms. Please make it simpler!


Jeremy Dawes

Improve efficiency for users of gov websites by making sure all forms like this are neatly responsive to portrait view on mobile phones. And make it so that image files can be uploaded.


Jeremy Lecky-Thompson

Please make more cities between Melbourne and Sydney using high speed rail. I've worked for the RBA and monetary policy alone cannot counter everything. High speed rail is the #1 measure to save us from a recession with the imminent housing crash.

Many people say Australia is dying from the inside out. I agree, so lets combat this by transporting all our garbage to build a mountain range to attract clouds/rain and irrigate the desert. We can be the food bowl of Asia in a few years, we have the land, lets make it farm friendly.


Jodi Ward

Instead of new start allowance paid to people for doing nothing, how about paying the allowance on behalf of an individual to a small business to offset the cost of employing an apprentice. A bonus for the business and apprentice at the completion of the apprenticeship would offer further incentive.


John Ashman

Remove the privately run Reserve Bank, replaced with Australia's own gold or silver backed currency. Various decades of inefficiency and costs to the Australian taxpayer. If you cannot see it you are part of the problem. How simple it is to just do basic research online to see the inefficiency of this century old establishment.


John McCullough

It always seems ridiculous to me the amount of wastage there is in moving home loans to different banks. Why can there not be one account number. One valuation etc. If I wish to change providers it should be as simple as the old provider forwarding my account and my valuation details to the new provider who decides if they accept it (ie asking for updated salary etc). The new provider accepts the old valuation unless there is good reason not too. A lot faster. A lot less wasted effort and better for end consumer. Similar process for bank accounts.


Julie Beales

I think there needs to be investigation into bulk billing Medical Clinics. I have had occasion to visit a local clinic when acutely unwell and seeking a medical certificate for a virus. The doctors at the clinic will only issue a medical certificate for one day at a time. I have over 14 months sick leave available to me, so I can't see why they can't write a Certificate for more than one day. I also work in a hospital and we are requested not to attend work when unwell. This clinic has on more than one occasion (and not only to myself) issued medical certificates one day at a time. I feel that they follow this policy to be able to make more claims to the Medicare system. If they have 5 or 6 people per day attending for ongoing Medical Certificates that's several hundred dollars a day coming out of Medicare unnecessarily. This is one clinic. There are thousands across Australia. This could potentially be millions of dollars a year. I would normally attend a different clinic (my regular GP), but they are often booked out and you are unable to get an appointment on such short notice. I believe if there was some way to stop this opportunistic behaviour tax payers could save a substantial amount of money.


Keith Knight

Start planning for the removal of State Governments. This will assist in cost inefficiencies such as different State Driving Licences, different state driving laws, standardise registration costs & laws, standardise policing laws across borders and stopping extradition costs for criminals. This is only an example as unfortunately 2000 characters is insufficient to list the limitless benefits, but removing State Governments will go a long way to achieving cost benefits and wasteful bureaucracy.


Lesley Reimer

In Perth WA the lifts at the train stations on the Mandurah line are tiny. Disabled,travellers,mothers with prams all have to wait to use them as they only carry about four people. It might take four turns to use them you miss the next train or bus. It's inefficient


Lincoln Lancaster

The viability and sustainability of Medicare is very important to all Australians. I would suggest to the productivity review that changes be made to the process for bulk billing for all medical practices. The initial consultation of clients to be assessed by a bulk billed Registered Nurse. The RN would be specifically trained to refer clients to medical professionals as required and dispense aid within scope. This process would not affect the quality of medical care, ensure Medical Doctors spend time on worthwhile cases instead of trivial matters and alleviate stress on the Medicare budget. I would also propose the ability for initial consultations to be performed 24x7 over the internet via video facilities, this would be especially useful to remote communities and help the productivity of the general economy whereby working people would not have to wait for long periods of time in waiting rooms. Access to medical support after hours without waiting in hospitals and make capacity planning for services much more cost efficient and effective.


Luke Flemming

Get rid of cheques. This is 2016 and with everything computerised, including the banking systems backends, there is no reason cheques need to exist. On that note, all bank transfers should be instantaneous, including, bank-to-bank for purposes of paying bills and transferring funds


Luke Sturdy

Variable Speed Limit Highways. This would only apply to highways with more than 2 lanes. Basically, each lane is assigned a different speed limit, which is good because there is nothing more annoying than being stuck behind someone who is doing 10km slower than the speed limit on a major highway. If we were to implement a variable speed limit highway system which depends on lanes instead of a single limited speed limit. My example would be that, The Left lane would be considered a departing lane, with a speed limit of 100 or below The middle lane would have a speed limit of 100+ And the far right lane would be set to 110+ ( limited to 120km ) Km per hour This would allow for people who are looking to drive a longer distance they can merge over to the far right lane and enjoy a higher speed limit. While anyone carrying a load, driving a slower heavier truck or car, or simply just a slow driver should stick to the far left lane as the limit is 90 - 100km per hour. Those who are only on the highway to travel only a handful of Kms would get the most use of the middle and left lane. While users who are going to be spending more time on the highway with a far longer distance can switch to the Far right lane to enjoy the higher speed limit. All I'm trying to get with the request is a place for everyone on the highway. There is nothing more annoying that being stuck behind someone who is going slower than the recommended speed limit. If they were all told to follow one lane as dictated by their speed they are then out of the way which allows other users to pass them and to enjoy the higher limits. This would also allow for the longer distance drivers the ability to spend less time on the road. Yes they are travelling at a faster speed, but if that shaved 20 minutes of an hour long commute that is almost 5 hours extra time to spend at home or the office.


Luke Torsello

Timed traffic lights (especially late nights) to allow vehicles to stop as little as possible. We've had the technology for years. Also unnecessary red light arrows when the view is very clear


Margaret Barrett

To stop welfare cheats, simplify the welfare and pension system, the govt should just pay every Australian citizen an a fixed amount of money per month as they are considering doing in Finland. this means that everyone regardless of financial or employment status gets one fixed amount per month. this will save the govt. billions and no need for extremely complicated welfare calculations and systems and trying to find people cheating the system or accidentally forgetting to pay people who should be paid. I don't think this would be that difficult to implement. They should go and consult with the govt of Finland and see how they do it.


Mark Rhyne

Make the drivers licence system include the 3d party insurance and allow the driver's to insure themselves based on their risk profile as an extra with external insurers rather than any vehicle. This would allow any licensed driver to drive any car and be insured (as would any injured person) and insurance cost not be duplicated if multiple vehicles owned, as only one can be driven at a time.


Maroun Chidiac

Fix the internet speeds to be stable, and give faster upload speeds. Sitting at 25 down/2 up isn't enough, especially for me who lives in a big family, where internet usage is very high. America can get gigabit internet whilst we can't even get 50 mbps???


Maureen Laidler

Please remove having to wait at traffic lights for a green turn right arrow at an intersection. So much time is wasted waiting at a red arrow when it is safe to turn.


Michael George

This is with regards to the myGov website. thought it says all Govt website on one myGov site, Why do I have to call individual Departments to change my address. I have to call individually to ATO, Centrelink, Medicare etc to change my address. If one has to do that, what purpose does the myGov website serve.


Michaela Ryan

I would like to have the left turn arrow light working at the corner of Keon Parade and High St Reservoir. We have to wait for trains at the level crossing and then wait another set of lights after the train has passed to be able to turn. Its just a traffic light, but would make such a difference.


Nabil Sukkar

Camphor laurel (Cinnamomum camphora) I am a resident of the inner west of Sydney. To me it seems not many people are aware that the Camphor laurel tree is a weed. Nor do they recognise it when they see it as a small tree under 3 metres. I guess decades ago when Sydney had lots of open space some of these trees where planted. They are nice tree in the right situation. The problem now is that I see many saplings growing all over Sydney. For example there is a house in my street that I believe has some heritage value and may have some protection not sure. It has one Camphor laurel tree that is decades old and well established and located neatly in the front yard. However Many saplings are sprouting against a brick front fence at the boundary of the property. I have only noticed it this year since new owners moved in who don't seem to realise what the saplings are and just let them grow. If they fail to remove the saplings they will grow very quickly and possibly damage the brick which is the same style and age of the heritage building. I doubt many people will repair the fence to restore the heritage character once it becomes damaged. * I feel all councils should educate residents about the Camphor laurel tree and encourage/assist them to remove plants that are still small and in locations that may damage footpaths and physical structures. * They should also not charge fees for applications to remove or heavily trim larger established Camphor laurel trees or any other tree considered a weed. *My council doesn't consider Camphor laurel tree a weed. All Councils should follow the state guidelines such as these ( ) * Small effort to educate people about Camphor laurel tree at least in areas where demographics have changed quickly and many Camphor laurel currently exist.


Nick Lord

Less People.


Nita Grayson

Increasing awareness of importance of paying back a HECS/HELP debt sooner than mandatory contributions dictate. I think it's too easy for those with a HECS/HELP debt to forget about their debt when they're below the minimum repayment threshold. The current minimum threshold for repayments is fair to deduct 4% but below that those with a HECS/HELP debt should be made to make payments to cover the interest the debt will accrue in that year. Or if the wage is particularly low, a $5 per fortnight contribution should be forced to keep the debt in the mind's eye rather than a sum that may one day be paid back. Or not. The current 5% bonus on payments over $500 should also be continued, rather than scrapped, and further incentives put in place. Further incentives could be salary sacrifice or voluntary repayments that contribute to a bonus. i.e. a debtor could elect to contribute $X per pay over the course of a year over and above compulsory repayments that together are awarded a bonus at tax time. This way the debtor doesn't have to part with a large amount of money at one time but continues to progress the repayment of their loan.


Pam Underwood

Federal Government departments should not be subjected to Machinery Of Government changes (MOG). It is the most obvious waste of time and taxpayer money. Ministers change things on a whim, without justification. It is laughable.


Paul Nipperess

I think that all highways should adopt signs like these found on US Interstates nearing exit ramps. Each local/state government could charge a fee for allowing each business to advertise and thus helping to boost coffers


Paul Potter

Encourage all pedestrian traffic everywhere to Keep Left at all times and to move fully left before stopping. This practice works well in crowded places where it just seems to 'happen' because there is a perceived greater need. If it were to apply everywhere, it would save some time for everyone every day and potentially avoid aggressive behaviour by some pedestrians. One rule for everyone, everywhere.


Phylicia Hickling

Nation-wide practices should be established on public transport and road rules. For instance, in London the right hand lane of all escalators are understood to be an exclusive "walk lane". You may stop on the left. If you stop on the right side you are told to move aside. This should be established in Australia to minimise congestion especially incurred as commuters exit the train. Many people do not understand current road rules especially because once you learn to drive you never have to have any further education. Road rules and customs change to the ignorance of many. In the professional world you are required to undertake continuing professional development which ensures you are up to date with current practices. Drivers could be educated by Government funded adverts containing current driving rules and demonstrations. The adverts might provide a demonstration of how to merge correctly, or how to appropriately indicate off a roundabout, or safe driving tips on country roads.


Robert Ferreira

To whom it may concern: This idea is based on Hornsby train station, whilst I am aware of construction to take place, there is no plans to build additional transit gates on the North end, please read on. At Hornsby train station there is car parking on the east side and west side of the tracks to the north. However, currently the only train station gates are on the Southern end. I have a cost effective proposal that will be cheap to construct and cheap to maintain. On the east side build an entrance and a few gates so customers utilising the Sydney Trains car park don't have to walk all the way to the south side of the platform. This entrance is already on street level. To the West extend the current footbridge so that two or three gates can be constructed as well as a small staff post. These entrances will close after the evening peak for both security purposes and to ease pressure on staff. Kind Regards Robert Ferreira


Robert Ferreira

To whom it may concern: As a young person in the community I have tried for many years to start a successful business. Whilst I do have degrees in Business Management and similar qualifications in marketing and advertising I have still found it hard to create a business. It is difficult to find government based programs which encourage youth and assist with growing and developing businesses. It's an aspiration of mine to grow a business and happily employee people and I wish this process was easier. Kind Regards Robert Ferreir


Ryan Blades

I would like to see Medicare cards and our Drivers licenses merge together on the one card, The cost of producing Medicare cards that just take up space in a wallet seems a bit of a waste and surely a huge cost per year to print and issue/post Medicare Cards. Is it not possible to just put the Medicare numbers on our Driver Licenses or proof of age cards to show the Doctor or Hospital, which is all they are really used for anyway. I would have thought it could go on the back of the license or proof of age card limiting the need for extra cards that cost a lot to produce.


Ryan Blades

Is there a way to remove the Go card which is wasteful in the cost to produce and replace these cards, and just be able to pay for public transport with a credit or debit card? The Go Card is a waste of time when paypass is just as quick and used everywhere else to then avoid the need to spend millions per year on issuing Go cards or replacing them. ?seems the money could be funneled a lot better places than on card production. Even changing the terminals in buses must save money in the long term even if there is a cost upfront to change the machines. Perhaps give the bus drivers a tablet that other retailers to process contactless payments to at least have the option of both methods of payments.


Sam Neilson

Countdown timers at pedestrian crossings like they have in London, which will allow people to more efficiently use the time allowed to cross the road.


Sebastian Taurino

Please remove the overhead of separate state governments. One national system of registration, police and services, legislation. A new version of state government could be introduced that concentrates on supporting local industries and local environmental issues


Simon O’Donnell

Making left hand turns at traffic light intersections during red lights. This is the norm in North America (their equivalent is turning right on red), at all traffic light intersections unless signed otherwise - intersections where it is not safe display signage simply worded 'No Turn On Red'. This applies across all traffic light intersections across North America, on the basis a driver comes to a complete stop at the road line at the intersection. Traffic flow benefits are pretty self explanatory. Cheers.


Timothy Curtis

I am a Salesman and spend a large amount of time on the road in Sydney traffic. I have noticed that when the Traffic Lights change from Red to Green there is usually a delay before the first car starts moving. If the first car Driver was aware the lights were about to change from Red to Green they could prepare to move. Why not program the Red light to start flashing 5 seconds before it changes to Green. This way, in the traffic more cars could get through the intersection improving traffic flow and reducing stress.


Tina Green

Suggestion For those with life long illnesses (diabetes/cancer) they are required to obtain a referral from local JP however to continue to see the specialist, further referals from a JP are need either quarterly or yearly or monthly. 1. Reduce waiting lists at doctors/medical centres 2.reduce costs to all involved 3. Time wasting Suggestion Women should not have to obtain a referral to see a gynaecologist and then see a JP for another referral every three months 3.


William Johnson

Trains are really inefficient and often run late. Instead of trying to make trains run faster, which often ends in delays or breakdowns, train timetables could actually be slowed down, to allow for more room for error. Therefore a train that was going as fast as possible could take 38 minutes, but instead is scheduled to take 45 minutes in case of an incident.


Zackary Saunders

In regards to Applying for a Passport. I was born in the year of 1989 in Australia. I have my Australian birth certificate however as I found out yesterday when attempting to lodge my application for a passport. I also require either an original copy of my parents birth certificate or an original copy of my parents passport from before I was born. This seems very outdated and redundant. If I possess 100 points of identification, either my Australian birth certificate or other details such as my drivers license, that should be more than sufficient to prove my identity. Especially to the Australian Government which should already have all of this information on file, either directly or through other departments such as the transport divisions. I will seek the relevant documents from my parents to complete my passport application but it is deeply frustrating to have to do so.


Darryl Goodhand

Removal for the requirement of completing an Outgoing Passenger Card (OPC) for travellers departing Australia. As no members of the Department of Immigration and Border protection look at the OPC any more, with passangers putting them in a box (at Sydney International Airport) I suggest a review of the Migration Act 1958 (the Migration Act) and the Migration Regulations 1994 (the Migration Regulations), removing the requirement for an OPC.


David Coombs

When I move addresses. I update my address with service nsw (the old rta) on my drivers licence. I then get a letter from the australian electoral commission to my new address asking me to send them a form to confirm ive moved to my new address. Why not have one database at state and federal level that covers things like this and eliminates the beaureaucracy? You have the option where is you change it with one department at all levels of government you change it at all..


Lysandra Renshaw

We need an area for smokers, so they can relax outdoors and have a smoke without the stress of polluting others or starting fires or being robbed of smokes. We need more room on the bus for people in wheel chairs and prams. During the school rush it gets so cramped between 7- 10 AM and again between 2-4 PM. The seniors need more places on lower ground with a place to put their trolleys or walkers or canes as well. Those poor people crammed on the bus sometimes like sardines!


Greg Leclercq

This submission aims to address the inefficient M5 cashback scheme and the unnecessary burden of claim on users. Roads and Maritime Services already know from registration details whether or not a vehicle is registered in NSW, and whether or not it is registered to an individual or a business. The correct M5 toll charges should calculated up-front and be right first time on e-tag invoices thereby removing any unnecessary steps to claim charges back. As a result the RMS / e-toll would simplify its processes, reduce its costs, and NSW residents using their vehicle for personal use would not have to log onto the myetoll website quarterly to tick 5 boxes to claim reimbursement.


Kasadoruge Perera

Please think about implementing the number system for Postal services. All citizens having a number instead of an address. This would make the whole postal service efficient and also getting rid of a huge amount of waste mail. Thank you


Stuart Smith

Trucks to keep left unless over taking or turning right on all Sydney roads to help ease congestion


Hayley Morgan

Junk Mail / Yellow Pages Deliveries Junk Mail, Yellow Pages deliveries and the like should operate on an opt-in system. Only those your have registered to receive Junk Mail, Yellow Pages etc. will get these items delivered to their home or business address. Current system wastes so much paper (think of the trees) and so much money. The number of times I have arrived home, walked to the post box, picked up the roll of marketing flyers and pamplets and walk straight to the wheelie bin and chucked it out. I do this with the yellow pages as well. I cannot recall the last time I ever referred to the yellow pages. I am aware the older generation prefer to use yellow pages etc. but they can register to receive these by calling the company, by post, online. The company can advertise for people to register on TV, newspapers and social media etc. It will be more environmentally friendly, save money, save time and resources

Handwriting lessons in school As a person working in the event industry where i am constantly recruit personnel for events, I have noticed the very poor level of handwriting ability and skills from young people coming through. Often I see 17/18 year olds with handwriting that looks like a 7/8 year olds (childlike handwriting). I think there should be increased focus on improving handwriting skills, teaching kids how to actually form each letter correctly and legibility and do this writing in the lines (i.e. not write oversized words like a child would)


Shirley Goslett

It would be so much easier if people could pay all of their accounts in monthly installments. Most electricity and rates statements request people to make quarterly payments. Another example is renewal of vehicle registration, which is usually offered for either 6 months or a year. Most people are paid either weekly or monthly. It is often difficult to budget for unexpected payments, especially if a quarterly statement is suddenly bigger than expected, for example many people may use more electricity than expected over winter. Please would you recommend that all service providers allow customers to make monthly payments as a matter of course instead of customers having to make lump sum payments for a quarter or for longer periods.

Apparently many councils only cater for 1 in 100 flood events, as I was told when I researched properties in flood hit areas in Queensland. When a deluge occurs that is bigger than this category then there is a likely possibility that storm water systems may overflow and floods may occur. I assume that cost versus perceived benefit is the reason for these councils only catering for a 1 in 100 event, even if they know based on past modelling that stronger flood events may arise. Wouldn't it be better for councils to ensure that all storm water and flood systems are able to handle the biggest flood event expected, even if the cost is higher? Short term this cost may seem like a hindrance and unnecessary, but this planning will pay for itself over better neighbourhoods and enormous savings to the economy of these places well into the future.

Availability of Water: ---------------------------- One would expect Australia to supply drinking water and water for rural and other purposes to all declared town and country areas where people live. However, there are many localities all around Australia that rely on rainwater tanks, rivers, or underground water wells to supply their water. Surely a fresh supply of pipeline water should be available over all parts of Australia where people live. Examples of where a lack of piped water exists are found all over Australia in rural areas, e.g., vast areas of the Mid Murray in South Australia, designated rural areas in Queensland such as the Lockyer Valley, and many other rural localities in each state. Piped water would ensure that people would be able to live, farm, and invest in many of these rural areas. If water cannot be provided easily via a piped system from surface water catchment areas then a reasonable subsidised alternative could be made available by the government, e.g., big air to water machines could be set up in such rural areas and the water then piped over a shorter area to where it is needed. Electricity: -------------- Much the same challenges exist in obtaining electricity in rural areas as mentioned above. Electricity is a basic need for people to be able to invest, farm, and live in areas. The electricity grid should cover all parts of Australia. Electricity providers seem to expect existing and new landowners to pay for setting up this infrastructure, but surely this should be an initiative driven from the government to all citizens of Australia. This would ensure that many of the areas now seen as uninteresting would become more attractive for investment and long term growth.