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Regulatory impact analysis: Benchmarking


Submissions received for the Regulatory Impact Analysis: Benchmarking commissioned study.

Note: Copyright in submissions resides with the author(s), not with the Productivity Commission. All submissions will remain on the Commission's website indefinitely.

* Submissions marked with an asterisk have omitted 'In confidence' content - part or all of the submission is not online.

# Hash denotes some attachments are not available online. Contact the project team for access if necessary.

% Percent symbol denotes scanned image PDFs which are not readable by some screen readers. For help read our accessibility statement.

Initial submissions (26)

No. Name Pages Received
001 Queensland Consumers Association (PDF - 63.5 KB) 1 26/04/2012
  Queensland Consumers Association (Word - 69.0 KB)    
002 Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PDF - 207.9 KB) 3 04/05/2012
003 Tasmanian Parliamentary Standing Committee on Subordinate Legislation (PDF - 48.7 KB) 7 09/05/2012
  Tasmanian Parliamentary Standing Committee on Subordinate Legislation (Word - 49.5 KB)    
004 Attorney-General’s Department (PDF - 652.3 KB) 7 07/05/2012
005 Australian Food and Grocery Council (PDF - 460.4 KB) 21 13/05/2012
006 Western Australian Local Government Association (PDF - 2.8 MB) % image PDF 3 14/05/2012
007 CropLife Australia Limited (PDF - 339.1 KB) 7 14/05/2012
008 Plastics and Chemicals Industries Association (PDF - 258.9 KB) 10 18/05/2012
009 Construction Material Processors Association (PDF - 208.3 KB) 27 14/05/2012
010 Australian Logistics Council (PDF - 2.6 MB) % image PDF 2 14/05/2012
011 Australian Financial Markets Association (PDF - 197.0 KB) 12 14/05/2012
012 Western Australian Department of Transport (PDF - 60.9 KB) 5 15/05/2012
  Western Australian Department of Transport (Word - 137.5 KB)    
013 Chi-X Australia Pty Ltd (PDF - 137.8 KB) 7 15/05/2012
  Chi-X Australia Pty Ltd (Word - 1.5 MB)    
014 The CIE (PDF - 76.2 KB) 7 15/05/2012
015 Australian Accounting Standards Board (PDF - 61.6 KB) 2 15/05/2012
  Australian Accounting Standards Board (Word - 117.5 KB)    
016 Consumer Action Law Centre (PDF - 466.9 KB) 5 15/05/2012
017 Officers undertaking RIA in the Victorian Transport Portfolio (PDF - 257.4 KB) 16 18/05/2012
  Officers undertaking RIA in the Victorian Transport Portfolio (Word - 153.0 KB)    
018 Business SA (PDF - 1.2 MB) % image PDF 4 18/05/2012
019 Master Builders Australia (PDF - 190.6 KB) 18 21/05/2012
020 Name withheld * in confidence content omitted - -
021 Department of Infrastructure and Transport (PDF - 20.0 KB) 1 29/05/2012
  Department of Infrastructure and Transport (Word - 47.5 KB)    
022 Department of Treasury and Finance Tasmania (PDF - 4.8 MB) 3 31/05/2012
023 Australian Trucking Association (PDF - 787.0 KB) 22 31/05/2012
024 Western Australia Government (PDF - 530.4 KB) 17 23/07/2012
025 Small Business Development Corporation (PDF - 1.0 MB) % image PDF 13 07/06/2012
026 Accord Australasia (PDF - 321.4 KB) 10 22/06/2012
  Accord Australasia (Word - 5.6 MB)    
- Attachment (PDF - 566.1 KB) 7 22/06/2012

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