Australia's general tariff arrangements
Inquiry report supplement
Released 19 / 12 / 2000
Modelling the Effects of Removing General Tariffs, was released as a supplement to, and in conjunction with, the inquiry report, Review of Australia's General Tariff Arrangements.
The report contains a quantitative analysis of the effects over time of removing the tariffs under reference as part of the review of Australia's General Tariff Arrangements. The tariffs under reference include all line items in the Australian Customs Tariff with a scheduled general rate of duty of 5 per cent or less except Textile, Clothing and Footwear (TCF) and Passenger Motor Vehicle (PMV) plan items. The quantitative analysis examines the implications of removing tariffs on items under reference, while leaving tariffs on items not under reference in place.
The analysis first examines the national and industry effects of removing tariffs, relative to the other factors likely to affect the Australian economy over time. It then disaggregates the effects of removing tariffs down to the regional level. Finally, the analysis examines the additional impact of tariff changes on the cost of on-going adjustment in labour markets. The results together provide an indication of the impact of tariff reductions on the size and structure of Australia's industries and regions.
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- Contents
Cover, Copyright, Contents, Abbreviations and explanations
1 Modelling the effects of removing general tariffs
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Model framework
1.3 National effects of tariff reductions
1.4 Sectoral effects
1.5 Regional effects
1.6 Implications of tariff reductions for labour market adjustment
1.7 Summing up
A Industry classifications in the MONASH model
B Australia’s general tariff arrangements
C Productivity improvements
D Quantifying labour market adjustment costs caused by tariff reductions