Regulatory burden on the upstream petroleum (Oil and gas) sector
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No. | Name | Received | Pages |
DR21 | Carol O'Donnell (PDF - 23 Kb) | 08/12/2008 | 4 |
DR22 | Department of Mines and Petroleum WA (PDF - 151 Kb) | 22/01/2009 | 28 |
DR23 | Department of Primary Industries and Resources SA Government (PDF - 70 Kb) | 05/02/2009 | 17 |
DR24 | DomGas Alliance (PDF - 724 Kb) % | 30/01/2009 | 13 |
DR25 | Nexus Energy Limited (PDF - 143 Kb) | 02/02/2009 | 3 |
DR26 | Victorian Government (PDF - 946 Kb) % | 02/02/2009 | 3 |
DR27 | Origin Energy Limited (PDF - 344 Kb) % | 05/02/2009 | 2 |
DR28 | Tina Hunter (PDF - 108 Kb) | 09/02/2009 | 17 |
DR29 | APPEA (PDF - 433 Kb) | 09/02/2009 | 48 |
DR30 | National Native Title Tribunal (PDF - 143 Kb) | 09/02/2009 | 17 |
DR31 | ExxonMobil (PDF - 13 Kb) % | 12/02/2009 | 1 |
DR32 | Northern Territory Government (PDF - 564 Kb) % | 24/02/2009 | 12 |
DR33 | Woodside Energy Ltd (PDF - 148 Kb) % | 13/02/2009 | 2 |
DR34 | BP Australia Developments Pty Ltd (PDF - 56 Kb) % | 12/02/2009 | 1 |
DR35 | Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (PDF - 82 Kb) | 23/02/2009 | 7 |