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Australia's Productivity Pitch - Productivity Commission launches new engagement initiative

Media release

Released 5 / 12 / 2024

The Productivity Commission (PC) is seeking ideas from everyday Australians to inform our policy recommendations to government.

“We are looking for practical policy ideas from people in all walks of life on how Australia can work smarter, more efficiently, and more productively,” said Chair Danielle Wood.

This initiative follows the Treasurer’s announcement of five new inquiries to be completed by the PC:

  1. Creating a dynamic and resilient economy
  2. Building a more skilled and adaptable workforce
  3. Harnessing data and digital technology
  4. Delivering quality care more efficiently
  5. Investing in cheaper, cleaner energy and the net zero transformation.

“Everything from our economic security to our living standards and the health of our families and the environment depends on getting these policy areas right.”

The PC will combine the public input with our own research to identify 3–5 policy reforms under each pillar to explore further.

“If you have a clear, actionable policy idea that aligns with one or more of the five inquiry areas we want to hear about it. We want to hear from builders on how to overcome barriers on the job site, teachers on how government can better support their students, and aged and disability care workers on ideas for the care system,” said Ms Wood.

As the Government’s leading independent economic advisory body, the Productivity Commission’s recommendations have helped shape policy for more than twenty years.

“The Productivity Commission has always depended on the input of Australians to inform its recommendations, but this is the first time it has sought out grassroots insights on every aspect of policy in Australia,” said Ms Wood.

“We are throwing open the doors and asking all Australians for their best ideas on how governments can create the kind of growth and improvements in living standards we enjoyed in previous decades.”

“We all have a stake in Australia’s future – the PC is excited to hear first-hand from everyday people how government can shape that future for the better.”

Comments are open until 15 January 2025 on

The PC will be seeking more detailed submissions on the new inquiries in 2025.

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