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Australia's maritime logistics system

Final report released

What is an inquiry?

What we’ve been asked to look at

This inquiry examined the structural issues affecting the productivity of Australia's maritime logistics system. Long‑term trends in system performance were analysed, and industrial relations, infrastructure constraints and technology uptake were among the inquiry’s areas of focus.

Read the Terms of Reference Media release

Call for submissions paper

The Commission released a paper calling for submissions and comments to the Inquiry. Individuals and organisations providing submissions or comments should have provided evidence to support their views, including data and specific examples where possible.

Initial submissions were due by 11 February 2022.

Read the call for submissions paper

Draft report release

The Commission sought further information and feedback following the release of the draft report on 9 September 2022.

Final submissions were due by 14 October 2022.

Read the draft report

Final report to Government and release

The final inquiry report was handed to the Australian Government on 21 December 2022 and publicly released on 9 January 2023.

The report examines the performance of Australia's maritime logistics system, long-term trends in system performance, competition, industrial relations, infrastructure constraints and technology uptake.

Read the inquiry report

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