Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Agreement Review
Call for submissions
- Why the inquiry?
- Call for submissions
- Interim report
- Final report
What we’ve been asked to look at
The Productivity Commission (PC) has been asked by the Australian Government to conduct the final review of the National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Agreement.
The review will assess the impact of programs delivered under the Agreement and make recommendations for the Agreement that aim to enhance the effectiveness, accessibility, affordability and safety of the mental health and suicide prevention system.
Read the Terms of Reference Media releaseCall for submissions issued and initial submissions
The Productivity Commission (PC) has issued a call for submissions to guide people in preparing a submission. It sets out some of the issues and questions the Commission has identified as relevant at this early stage of the inquiry. Participants should provide evidence to support their views, including data and specific examples where possible.
The call for submissions was issued on 11 February 2025.
Initial submissions are due by Wednesday 12 March 2025.
Interim report release
The Productivity Commission (PC) will seek further information and feedback following the expected release of an interim report in June 2025.
Final report to Government and release
The final inquiry report is to be handed to the Parties of the National Agreement by 17 October 2025.
The release of the final report by the Government is the final step in the process.
Under the Productivity Commission Act 1998, the Government is required to table the report in each House of the Parliament within 25 sitting days of receipt.
Initial submissions
due by Wednesday 12 March 2025
Make a submission
Read submissions
You are also are invited to provide your views through a short survey.
The PC is not in a position to provide advice or make recommendations on individual circumstances. Rather, our focus is on the broad issues raised in response to the inquiry terms of reference.
If you need specific help or advice, you can contact one of the services below:
- Lifeline Australia 13 11 14
- Suicide Call Back 1300 659 467
- 13 YARN 13 92 76
- Kids Help Line 1800 551 800
- BeyondBlue 1300 224 636
- eHeadspace 1800 650 890
- Carer Gateway 1800 422 737
Inquiry timeline
Dates will be added when known.
Who to contact
Tracey Horsfall
Ph: 02 6240 3261
Free call: 1800 020 083
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