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Investing in cheaper, cleaner energy and the net zero transformation

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  • Why the inquiry?
  • Call for submissions
  • Interim report
  • Final report

What we’ve been asked to look at

How can we achieve net zero, enable Australia to take advantage of clean energy opportunities and prepare for climate change risks?

Read the Terms of Reference Media release

Call for submissions issued and initial submissions

The Commission plans to issue a paper to guide people in preparing a submission on selected ideas. Participants should provide evidence to support their views, including data and specific examples where possible.

This paper will be released at a date to be advised between February and March 2025.

Interim report releases

The Commission will seek further information and feedback following the expected release of a interim report between July and August 2025.

Final report to Government and release

The final inquiry report is to be handed to the Australian Government in December 2025.

The release of the final report by the Government is the final step in the process.

Under the Productivity Commission Act 1998, the Government is required to table the report in each House of the Parliament within 25 sitting days of receipt.

Who are the Commissioners?

Barry Sterland
Martin Stokie

Who to contact

Tracey Horsfall
Ph: 02 6240 3261

Yvette Goss
Ph: 03 9653 2253


Free call: 1800 020 083

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