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Final report is available

What is an inquiry?

  • Why the inquiry?
  • Call for submissions
  • Draft report
  • Final report

What we’ve been asked to look at

The Productivity Commission was asked to analyse motivations for philanthropic giving in Australia and identify opportunities to grow it further.

Read the Terms of Reference Media release

Call for submissions and initial submissions

The Commission issued a call for submissions on 23 March 2023. In their submissions, inquiry participants should have provided evidence to support their views, including data and specific examples where possible.

Initial submissions were due by 5 May 2023.

Read the call for submissions

Draft report release

The draft report set out the Commission’s draft findings and recommendations relating to motivations for philanthropic giving in Australia and opportunities to grow it further.

Submissions were due by 9 February 2024.

Read the draft report

Final report to Government and release

The final inquiry report was handed to the Australian Government on 10 May 2024 and publicly released on 18 July 2024.

The report sets out the Commission’s findings and recommendations to provide firm foundations for philanthropy in Australia, so that the benefits of giving can continue to be realised into the future.

Read the inquiry report

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