National Water Reform 2024
Interim report
Released 04 / 04 / 2024
The interim report finds that the 2004 National Water Initiative (NWI) has served Australia well, but there is an urgent need for renewal, due to climate change and changing water demand.
The interim report also sets out the Commission’s preliminary assessment of jurisdiction’s progress towards meeting the outcome and objective of the 2004 National Water Initiative.

The 2004 National Water Initiative has served Australia well as a foundation for water management.
A renewed and updated NWI will help governments navigate growing water security challenges.
Productivity Commission Interim report: National Water Reform 2024.
Climate change is making rainfall less reliable, creating drying trends, and increasing the number of extreme weather events.
[Image] Map of Australia showing areas of long-term rainfall change for April to October. Source: BOM 2022b.
Our demand for water is growing and changing...
...And Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s cultural responsibility for water and involvement in water management is not sufficiently recognised and supported.
We need a renewed agreement that builds on the 2004 NWI to meet community expectations and address our growing challenges.
- Address the effects of climate change
- Empower First Nations people
- Prepare for growing and changing water demand
- 2004 National Water Initiative.
Read the full interim report to learn more about our recommendations for a revitalised National Water Initiative.
You can also share your views in a submission to help inform our final report.
Media release
Australia needs a revitalised National Water Initiative
Governments must renew and update the National Water Initiative (NWI) to address the effects of climate change and growing and changing demand for water, according to the interim report of the Productivity Commission’s review of the agreement.
The NWI was created in 2004 and sets out principles for water management, covering everything from access rights to pricing principles and investment in infrastructure.
“Water is essential to the wellbeing of all Australian communities, the environment, and the economy. The National Water Initiative has set strong foundations for managing this precious resource over the past 20 years but there are gaps that must be addressed,” said Commissioner Joanne Chong.
The report says the foundations of the NWI should be retained and expanded to better address the effects of climate change.
“Climate change is making rainfall more variable and increasing the incidence of extreme weather events. The NWI must protect our water security in the face of these growing challenges,” said Associate Commissioner Anne Poelina.
The current NWI objectives focus on water resource management, but there are also challenges to do with providing water services in both cities and regional areas.
“Communities in some regional and remote areas still do not have access to safe drinking water. In a renewed National Water Initiative, governments should commit to ensuring safe and reliable drinking water for all Australians,” said Commissioner Chong.
A renewed NWI should also better support the unique role of water in the lives and livelihoods of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
“The NWI needs to better recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s reverence and ongoing responsibility for water and support their participation in water management,” said Associate Commissioner Poelina.
The report emphasises that a renewed NWI must build on the 2004 agreement.
“The foundations of the NWI are sound and they should be retained to avoid jeopardising the progress Australia has made over the past two decades,” said Associate Commissioner Poelina.
“We need a revitalised National Water Initiative that builds on the strengths of the old agreement while preparing us for the future,” said Commissioner Chong.
Read the interim report and provide a comment or submission at
Media requests
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Key points
- The 2004 National Water Initiative (NWI) has served Australia well as a foundation for water management. But a renewed and updated NWI will help governments navigate growing water security challenges:
- Climate change is making rainfall as a water source increasingly less reliable.
- Demand for water is growing and changing.
- Planning for water security should be a greater focus of a renewed NWI, in the face of an increasingly variable and changing climate.
- Jurisdictions need to plan for threats to water quality and availability from an increased risk of flooding, storms, bushfires and sea level rise, as well as drought.
- Governments also need to collectively model and plan for the water demands of the transition to net zero emissions.
- All options need to be on the table and transparently assessed, to ensure water security is achieved at least cost to the Australian community and to sustain the underlying health of water systems
- A renewed NWI should improve and expand on the existing agreement while retaining its foundations.
- A recommitment to the core principles of the NWI will provide a consistent authorising environment for jurisdictions to implement and continue to improve on best-practice.
- The current advice for renewing the NWI is consistent with advice provided in the Productivity Commission’s 2021 National Water Reform Inquiry report.
- A renewed NWI requires modernised and additional objectives that reflect community expectations for effective, efficient and equitable delivery of water services.
- A renewed NWI should include both an objective and a new element, recognising First Nations people’s reverence and cultural responsibility for water and the continued involvement and participation of First Nations people in water management.
- The Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Water Interests should continue to lead the development of this new content in a renewed agreement.
- Governments should ensure alignment with their commitments under the National Agreement on Closing the Gap.
- Many of the discrete actions under the NWI are complete, and most jurisdictions continue to make progress implementing their remaining and ongoing 2004 NWI commitments. However, gaps remain.
- Western Australia and the Northern Territory have not implemented statutory perpetual water rights.
- Fully independent economic regulation of water utilities has not been adopted by all states and territories. In Western Australia, Queensland and Northern Territory, independent economic regulators do not have the power to set prices.
- Although jurisdictions have developed various action plans and strategies to include First Nations people in water planning and decision-making processes, actual outcomes still need to be achieved.
- Preliminaries: Cover, Copyright and publication detail, Opportunity for comment, Terms of reference, Disclosure of interests, Acknowledgements and Contents
- Overview - including key points
- Draft recommendations, findings and information requests
- NWI renewal advice
- 1. Governance for a renewed national approach to water reform
- 1.1 Benefits of national co-operation in water
- 1.2 The Commission’s 2021 NWI governance renewal advice is still relevant
- 1.3 Greater knowledge sharing and coordination of best practice
- 1.4 Renewal advice
- 2. First Nations’ water interests
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 First Nations people’s representation in water planning
- 2.3 Incorporating Indigenous objectives and strategies for achieving them in water plans
- 2.4 Indigenous access to water, including through native title rights to water
- 2.5 Renewal advice
- 3. Water security in a changing climate
- 3.1 What is water security?
- 3.2 Climate change poses a major risk to Australia’s water security
- 3.3 Using the renewed NWI to manage the risks to water security from a changing climate
- 3.4 Climate projections to inform water planning
- 3.5 The water demands of transition to net zero
- 3.6 Planning to provide cost effective urban water services
- 3.7 Renewal advice
- 4. Water access entitlements and planning frameworks
- 4.1 Water access entitlements
- 4.2 Water planning
- 4.3 Water for environmental and other public benefit outcomes
- 4.4 Addressing overallocated and overused systems
- 4.5 Assigning risks for changes in allocation
- 4.6 Interception
- 4.7 Integrating surface water and groundwater management
- 4.8 Renewal advice
- 4.9 Appendix
- 5. Water markets and trading
- 5.1 Removing unwarranted trade barriers
- 5.2 Publicly accessible and reliable water registers
- 5.3 Reducing transaction costs by improving water market information
- 5.4 Compliance with trade approval service standards
- 5.5 Draft finding
- 6. Best practice pricing and institutional arrangements
- 6.1 Best practice pricing and regulation
- 6.2 Investment in new or refurbished infrastructure
- 6.3 Cost recovery for water planning and management activities
- 6.4 Environmental externalities of water use
- 6.5 Release of unallocated water
- 6.6 Separation of water management from service delivery
- 6.7 Performance benchmarking
- 6.8 Draft findings
- 7. Integrated management of water for environmental and other public benefit outcomes
- 7.1 Identification of specific environmental and public benefit outcomes
- 7.2 Management and institutional arrangements
- 7.3 Water recovery for the environment
- 7.4 Draft findings and renewal advice
- 8. Water resource accounting
- 8.1 Water accounts
- 8.2 Environmental water accounting
- 8.3 Water metering and measurement
- 8.4 Compliance and enforcement
- 8.5 Draft finding and recommendation
- 9. Urban water reform
- 9.1 Urban water service quality
- 9.2 Water reuse, end use efficiency, water sensitive urban design and innovation
- 9.3 Draft findings
- 10. Knowledge and capacity building
- 11. Community partnerships and adjustment
- 11.1 Community partnerships
- 11.2 Community adjustment assistance
- 11.3 Renewal advice
- A Public engagement
- B Assessment of progress ratings and indicators
- References
Printed copies
Printed copies of this report can be purchased from Canprint Communications.
You were invited to make written submissions by 24 April 2024.