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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Charity/Fundraising Institute Australia (PDF - 122k)

Submission ^ Late for Philanthropy View full list

Include a Charity/Fundraising Institute Australia response to the Australian Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA) and Super Members Council (SMC) submissions to PC’s draft report. On reading these two reports, below are counterpoints from

Date received: 10 May 2024

Simon Best (PDF - 72k)

Submission 760 for Philanthropy View full list

17th January 2024. Karen Godfrey. Australian Government Productivity Commission. GPO Box 1428. Canberra City ACT 2601, Australia. RE: Philanthropy – Public Inquiry, Future foundations for giving. Dear Karen,. I wish to make a submission to the

Date received: 2 May 2024

Valerie Johnstone (PDF - 20k)

Submission 758 for Philanthropy View full list

I am using the scope of inquiry to make comments. Definitely there are opportunities to grow the scope and opportunities of 'giving'. whether it is time, skills and knowledge, financial support. Each of these areas. need to be recognised as

Date received: 2 May 2024

Olivia Zago (PDF - 31k)

Submission 759 for Philanthropy View full list

Dear Productivity Commission,. My name is Olivia Zago, a senior brand manager at Procter &Gamble. I'm also an active participant in philanthropic giving in Australia. I appreciate the opportunity to review and provide comments on the draft report,

Date received: 2 May 2024

Southwest Sydney Christian SRE Board (PDF - 531k)

Submission 765 for Philanthropy View full list

Submission re Future Founda ons for Giving (Proposed removal of DGR status for giving to Special Religious Educa on in schools). Southwest Sydney Chris an SRE Board, Sydney, NSW. The Southwest Sydney SRE Board is a sub-commi ee of SU Generate and is

Date received: 2 May 2024

Manisha Lishman (PDF - 73k)

Submission 737 for Philanthropy View full list

Dear Productivity Commission,. My name is Manisha Lishman and I am the Head of the Effective Altruism Community in Sydney. Prior to working for Effective Altruism I worked in the corporate sector for ten years, most recently at. PepsiCo Australia in

Date received: 2 May 2024

Christian Religious Instruction Alliance Qld (PDF - 173k)

Submission 763 for Philanthropy View full list

Christian Religious Instruction Alliance in Queensland. ABN 53297468669. PO Box 2096 TOOWONG. Qld 4066. 2nd February 2024. Productivity Commission Draft Report on Philanthropy Submission re Recommendation 6.1. A simpler, refocused DGR system that

Date received: 2 May 2024

Mark Northage (PDF - 677k)

Submission 764 for Philanthropy View full list

Submission to the philanthropy inquiry – Productivity Commission Report on DGR status of. Christian schools. 4/02/2024. The Australian Productivity Commission (APC) has produced a draft report entitled Future Foundations. for Giving which will

Date received: 2 May 2024

English Family Foundation (PDF - 203k)

Submission 753 for Philanthropy View full list

Future foundations for giving. Draft report Submission by the English Family Foundation in response to the Productivity. Commission’s draft findings and recommendations relating to motivations for. philanthropic giving in Australia and

Date received: 2 May 2024

Gilbert Boffa (PDF - 137k)

Submission 756 for Philanthropy View full list

How many people are on Centrelink Australia? 26.4M Medicare 11.4M Centrelink 1.2M Child support (children supported). #Centrelink distributes about $212.4 Billion per year while employing approximately 27, 500 people plus 3000 Subcontracted to Call

Date received: 2 May 2024

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