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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

National Rural Health Allliance (PDF - 604k)

Submission 32 for Transitioning Regional Economies View full list

Mr Paul Lindwall Commissioner Productivity Commission Inquiry into Transitioning Regional Economies GPO Box 1428 CANBERRA ACT 2601 Dear Commissioner Lindwall. Transitioning Regional Economies The National Rural Health Alliance (the Alliance)

Date received: 10 Mar 2017

Fiona Shanti (PDF - 15k)

Submission DR174 for Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation View full list

Mr Paul Lindwall Commissioner GPO Box 1428 Canberra ACT 2601 Email: 9/3/2017 Dear Mr Lindwall Thankyou for the opportunity to comment on the Productivity Commission's draft report dated November 2016 in relation to the

Date received: 9 Mar 2017

Name withheld (PDF - 16k)

Submission 4 for National Disability Insurance Scheme (ndis) Costs View full list

Submission to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Costs study Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 BARTON ACT 2600 Dear Commissioners, I am writing this submission on behalf of my 30yrs+ disabled son "A". He was diagnosed with Infantile

Date received: 8 Mar 2017

Lifestyle in Supported Accommodation (LISA) Inc (PDF - 175k)

Submission 3a for National Disability Insurance Scheme (ndis) Costs View full list

Lifestyle in Supported Accommodation (LISA) Inc ABN: 88 962 337 789: Web: 73 Nepean Street, Watsonia, 3087 Email: Email: T: 03-9434-3810. 7 March 2017. Review of NDIS Costs Productivity

Date received: 7 Mar 2017

Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PDF - 85k)

Submission DR57 for Consumer Law Enforcement And Administration View full list

Consumer Law Enforcement and Administration | March 2017 P a g e | 1. Consumer Law Enforcement and Administration Submission to the Productivity Commission March 2017. Introduction The Australian Chamber welcomes the opportunity to provide a

Date received: 7 Mar 2017

GQI Consulting (PDF - 117k)

Submission DR172 for Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation View full list

GQI Consulting response to the Australian Productivity Commission in relation to its November 2016 Draft Report on the Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation. Introduction. We are pleased to provide our comments to the Productivity

Date received: 6 Mar 2017

Jobs Australia (PDF - 88k)

Submission 31 for Transitioning Regional Economies View full list

PC SUBMISSION. The role of the public employment service in the transition of regional economies following the resources boom. For more than a decade Australia has enjoyed an unprecedented mining boom driven by strong demand and increasing commodity

Date received: 6 Mar 2017

Australian Medical Association (AMA) (PDF - 134k)

Submission 481 for Reforms To Human Services View full list

1 AMA submission to the Productivity Commission: Reforms to Human Services – Public hospital services. AMA Submission on the Productivity Commission Issues Paper: Reforms to Human. Services, in relation to public hospital services. General

Date received: 6 Mar 2017

Steve Weller (PDF - 392k)

Submission DR171 for Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation View full list

02 March 2017. Productivity Commission. To the attention of Commissioner Paul Lindwall. Dear Mr. Lindwall,. Re: Proposed discontinuation of the universal service obligation of landline telephones in Australia. The Productivity Commissions' draft

Date received: 3 Mar 2017

Regional Capitals Australia (RCA) (PDF - 449k)

Submission 30 for Transitioning Regional Economies View full list

1. Productivity Commission Inquiry into Transitioning Regional Economies. Regional Capitals Australia INTRODUCTION Regional Capitals Australia (RCA) is pleased to present this submission for consideration by the

Date received: 3 Mar 2017

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