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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Brotherhood of St Laurence (BSL) (PDF - 613k)

Submission 479 for Reforms To Human Services View full list

commissioning; community services; governance; social policy; submission

Date received: 27 Feb 2017

Queensland Government (PDF - 1509k)

Submission 26 for Transitioning Regional Economies View full list

Treasurer Queensland Government Minister for Trade and Investment. Our Ref: 00571-2017. 2 4 FEB 2017. William St Brisbane GPO Box 6ii Brisbane Queensland 4001 Australia Telephone 07 3719 7200 Email treasurer@ministerial, Website

Date received: 27 Feb 2017

Regional Cities Victoria (PDF - 654k)

Submission 23 for Transitioning Regional Economies View full list

15 February 2017 Transitioning Regional Economies Inquiry Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra ACT 2601 Dear Sir / Madam. RCV PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION SUBMISSION: TRANSITIONING REGIONAL ECONOMIES I am pleased to provide you with the RCV

Date received: 24 Feb 2017

MidWest Development Commission (PDF - 3154k)

Submission DR167 for Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation View full list

Productivity Commission 2017 Inquiry on the Telecommunications. Universal Service Obligation. Mr. Robert Smallwood Mid West Development Commission. Perth, WA 14 Feb 2017. 1. DISCLAIMER: • Western Australia’s Regional Development Commissions are.

Date received: 24 Feb 2017

Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance of the Northern Territory (AMSANT) (PDF - 301k)

Submission 477 for Reforms To Human Services View full list

Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory. Page 1 of 9 Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance NT. Response to the Productivity Commission's Reforms to Human Services: Issues Paper, December 2016. 24 February 2017. Background. The

Date received: 24 Feb 2017

James Cook University (PDF - 330k)

Submission 24 for Transitioning Regional Economies View full list

1. Productivity Commission: Transitioning Regional Economies . Professor Sandra Harding T (07) 4781 4165 Vice Chancellor and President E James Cook University W Cairns – Singapore – Townsville February 2017.

Date received: 24 Feb 2017

Department of Social Services (DSS) (PDF - 73k)

Submission 476 for Reforms To Human Services View full list

1. Response to the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into Human Services Issues Paper. Introduction The Department of Social Services (the Department) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Productivity Commission’s Issues Paper, Reforms to

Date received: 24 Feb 2017

Michele Stephens (PDF - 65k)

Submission DR164 for Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation View full list

Firstly I need to say that although the closing date was in January I have only now (5 minutes ago) become aware of this initiative and so question how those likely to be impacted by this proposal could possibly have known about it in timely fashion.

Date received: 23 Feb 2017

National Health Leadership Forum (NHLF) (PDF - 317k)

Submission 475 for Reforms To Human Services View full list

1. National Health Leadership Forum. Human Services Inquiry Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2, Collins Street East Melbourne VIC 8003 Email: 23 February 2017. Dear Productivity Commission,. National Health Leadership

Date received: 23 Feb 2017

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