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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Customer Owned Banking Association (PDF - 237k)

Submission DR273 for Data Availability And Use View full list

12 December 2016 Ms Roslyn Bell Data Availability and Use Inquiry Productivity Commission Canberra ACT 2601 Via online: Dear Ms Bell Productivity Commission Draft Report into Data Availability and Use COBA

Date received: 12 Dec 2016

Envestnet Yodlee (PDF - 621k)

Submission DR280 for Data Availability And Use View full list

Title. December 12, 2016 . Response to the Productivity Commission’s Draft Report on Data Availability and Use . Title. 2 © 2016 Envestnet | Yodlee.™ All rights reserved. . Response to Draft Report on Data

Date received: 12 Dec 2016

Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance (PDF - 706k)

Submission DR279 for Data Availability And Use View full list

Australian Taxpayers’Alliance: Response to Draft Recommendations. into Data Availability and Use Inquiry. A Submission to the Productivity Commission. Executive Summary:. The Australian Taxpayers’Alliance is a non-partisan grassroots advocacy

Date received: 12 Dec 2016

Independent Schools Council of Australia (PDF - 130k)

Submission DR257 for Data Availability And Use View full list

1. Productivity Commission Draft Report: Data Availability and Use. Submission by. The Independent Schools Council of Australia (ISCA). Introduction: About the Independent sector. The Independent Schools Council of Australia (ISCA) is the peak

Date received: 12 Dec 2016

Pirate Party of Australia (PDF - 217k)

Submission DR242 for Data Availability And Use View full list

Submission to the Productivity Commission on the Draft Report of the Inquiry into Data Availability. and Use. 12 December 2016. 1. Submission to the Productivity Commission on the Draft Report of the Inquiry into Data Availability and Use. William

Date received: 12 Dec 2016

AOASG - CCAU (PDF - 178k)

Submission DR272 for Data Availability And Use View full list

Australasian Open Access Strategy Group@openaccessanz. Creative Commons Australia and the Australasian Open Access Strategy Group Response to the Productivity Commission Draft Report Data Availability and Use. Prepared by Dr

Date received: 12 Dec 2016

ADMA (PDF - 649k)

Submission DR275 for Data Availability And Use View full list

Association of Data-driven Marketing and Advertising - Level 6, 50 Carrington Street, Sydney 2000 Data Availability and Use 12 December 2016. Productivity Commission. GPO Box 1428. Canberra City ACT 2601. Response: Draft Report into

Date received: 12 Dec 2016

Lisa Denny (PDF - 866k)

Submission 12 for Productivity Review (2017) View full list

Workforce Demographer P a g e | 1. Response to the Productivity Commission Discussion Paper:. Increasing Australia’s future prosperity 5 year productivity review Prepared by Lisa Denny, Workforce Demographer, BCom, BA (Hons),

Date received: 12 Dec 2016

Interactive Games & Entertainment Association (PDF - 701k)

Submission DR267 for Data Availability And Use View full list

Submission to. Productivity Commission. Subject. Data Availability &Use. Draft Report. Date. 12 December 2016. Page | 2. Table of Contents. 1. Introduction. 3. 2. Executive Summary. 3. 3. About IGEA. 4. 4. Overview of the Interactive Games Industry.

Date received: 12 Dec 2016

Australian Retail Credit Association (PDF - 369k)

Submission DR247 for Data Availability And Use View full list

ARCA submission on draft report from the Productivity. Commission inquiry into Data Availability and Use. ARCA welcomes the release of the draft report from the Productivity Commission inquiry into. Data Availability and Use, and we wish to record

Date received: 12 Dec 2016

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