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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Ness Super Pty Ltd (PDF - 509k)

Submission 47 for Alternative Default Models View full list

24 November 2016

Date received: 25 Nov 2016

Name Withheld (PDF - 54k)

Submission 5 for Productivity Review (2017) View full list

Hello, if this email can be passed to the relevant parties within the Productivity Commission please. The recent Productivity Commission report on 457 Visa's and migration - raises the question of the wider scope of the extensive fraud in the entire

Date received: 23 Nov 2016

The Song Room (PDF - 153k)

Submission DR148 for Education Evidence Base View full list

Case Example. Community - Philanthropy Partnerships in Evidence-based Education. Improving Australia’s education outcomes is an imperative for ensuring a strong economic and social future and is in the interests of a diverse range of stakeholders.

Date received: 22 Nov 2016

Dig Econ Research (PDF - 215k)

Submission 4 for Productivity Review (2017) View full list

Havyatt Associates P/L (ACN 075 059 504) T/A DigEcon Research (BN98531409). Increasing Australia’s future prosperity: response to the Productivity Commission Discussion Paper November 2016 This submission argues that the focus on growing

Date received: 22 Nov 2016

White Label Personal Clouds (PDF - 53k)

Submission DR217 for Data Availability And Use View full list

Data Availability and Use - Submission The Data Availability and Report from the Productivity Commission is an important document because better access to data will lead to substantial productivity improvements. This submission addresses two

Date received: 21 Nov 2016

Anatomics Pty Ltd (PDF - 182k)

Submission 3 for Productivity Review (2017) View full list

“Searching for an even playing field”, November 2016 Page 1. SEARCHING FOR AN EVEN PLAYING FIELD A call to government to assist Australian medical innovation An independent paper by Mr Paul D’Urso MBBS PHD FRACS Neurosurgeon &Executive

Date received: 21 Nov 2016

Mine Wealth and Wellbeing (PDF - 1063k)

Submission 46 for Alternative Default Models View full list

SUBMISSION TO PRODUCTIVITY. COMMISSION. David Bell, Adam Shao„, and Estelle Liu…. Mine Wealth Wellbeing. 9th September, 2016. 1 Introduction. Despite the Superannuation Guarantee having existed for nearly 25 years a strong argument could be made

Date received: 18 Nov 2016

Name Withheld (PDF - 64k)

Submission DR216 for Data Availability And Use View full list

Please legislate to give individuals not just access rights but also ownership rights over their health data. As you're well aware, the current system to ownership has created data silos and information asymmetries that ultimately prop up

Date received: 16 Nov 2016

Australian Centre for Intellectual Property in Agriculture (PDF - 64k)

Submission DR215 for Data Availability And Use View full list

Inquiry into Data Availability and Use Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra ACT 2601. 16 November 2016 Dear Commissioners, Re: Submission to the Inquiry into Data Availability and Use The main point of my submission is that regulation

Date received: 16 Nov 2016

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