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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Australian Centre for Intellectual Property in Agriculture (PDF - 64k)

Submission DR215 for Data Availability And Use View full list

Inquiry into Data Availability and Use Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra ACT 2601. 16 November 2016 Dear Commissioners, Re: Submission to the Inquiry into Data Availability and Use The main point of my submission is that regulation

Date received: 16 Nov 2016

Les Godfrey (PDF - 121k)

Submission 2 for Productivity Review (2017) View full list

Productivity Commission 2016, Increasing Australia’s future prosperity, Discussion Paper, November 2016. In response to your invitation for submissions on the above discussion paper, please find attached a paper entitled A Primer on Economic Growth

Date received: 16 Nov 2016

David Dean (PDF - 63k)

Submission DR214 for Data Availability And Use View full list

The draft report recommends the establishment of a National Data Custodian and envisages a range of new authorities to oversee the release of data. Although the intent is a faster release of data, this new layer of bureaucracy is likely to slow down

Date received: 15 Nov 2016

AMP (PDF - 310k)

Submission 42 for Alternative Default Models View full list

1. Productivity Commission Level 12, 530 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000. Submission to the Productivity Commission Issues Paper on Superannuation: Alternative Default Models Dear Commissioner AMP appreciates the opportunity to provide a

Date received: 14 Nov 2016

Rice Warner (PDF - 1001k)

Submission 43 for Alternative Default Models View full list

ANZ Banking Group Limited

Date received: 14 Nov 2016

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) (PDF - 59k)

Submission DR147 for Education Evidence Base View full list

November 2016. National Education Evidence Base. Productivity Commission Draft Report: Comments. The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) welcomes the opportunity to respond to the National Education Evidence Base –

Date received: 11 Nov 2016

Gilkerson Legal (PDF - 135k)

Submission PFR394 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

GilkersonLLegal Government I Infrastructure I Indigenous. Our Ref: ORG Your Ref:. 0>./ RE ACMEIVE4D. i. Lo. CH0:I. Numy A,. NS" c)(1) 75:31. LC) s. RA. co el OFFIcE i. 8 November 2016. Ad. Mr Peter Harris Chairman Australian Government Productivity

Date received: 11 Nov 2016

South Australian Government (PDF - 65k)

Submission 60 for Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation View full list

Productivity Commission — Inquiry into the future direction of the telecommunications universal service obligation. Submission from the South Australian Government October 2016. 2. Introduction and Purpose The South Australian Government welcomes

Date received: 9 Nov 2016

Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia (AHCWA) (PDF - 195k)

Submission PFR393 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Copyright © Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia 2011 Implemented: 01/04/2016 Date for review: 01/04/2018 Version: 2.0 Page 1 of 4 Document Number: 445. Submission Response Productivity

Date received: 9 Nov 2016

Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) (PDF - 3693k)

Submission 41 for Alternative Default Models View full list

9 November 2016. Superannuation Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2, Collins St East Melbourne VIC 8003. Dear Sir/Madam. Superannuation Efficiency and Competitiveness - Issues paper Superannuation: Alternative Default Models. • ASIC Australian

Date received: 9 Nov 2016

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