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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Unisuper (PDF - 755k)

Submission 20 for Alternative Default Models View full list

Alternative Default Models: Comments on the Productivity Commission’s Issues Paper Submission by UniSuper. 28 October 2016. Issues paper: Alternative default models 28 October 2016. About UniSuper. UniSuper1 is the superannuation fund dedicated to

Date received: 28 Oct 2016

Mercer (PDF - 340k)

Submission 15 for Alternative Default Models View full list

Superannaution Efficiency and Competitiveness

Date received: 28 Oct 2016

National Seniors Australia (PDF - 838k)

Submission PFR360 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

08 Fall. Submission to the inquiry into the increased. application of competition, contestability and informed. user choice to human services. October 2016. Submission to the inquiry into the increased application of competition, contestability and

Date received: 28 Oct 2016

Institute of Public Affairs (PDF - 696k)

Submission 17 for Alternative Default Models View full list

rett Hogan, Director of Research. 28th October 2016 Inquiry into Alternative Superannuation Default Models Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2, Collins Street East Melbourne VIC 8003 SUBMISSION ON ALTERNATIVE SUPERANNUATION DEFAULT MODELS Dear Sir /

Date received: 28 Oct 2016

Centre for Market Design (PDF - 250k)

Submission 18 for Alternative Default Models View full list

Competitive mechanisms for allocating employees to default superannuation funds A discussion paper by the Centre for Market Design, University of Melbourne August 2014. Executive Summary There would be substantial public benefits from the

Date received: 28 Oct 2016

Retail Employees Superannuation Trust (REST) (PDF - 329k)

Submission 23 for Alternative Default Models View full list

1. Table of Contents 1. Introduction. 2 2. Executive summary. 3 3. Process. 4 4. Comparison to current requirements: REST and its Modern Awards and EBAs. 5 5. MySuper should not be the only criteria. 5 6. Proposed models v existing system. 6 7.

Date received: 28 Oct 2016

Industry Super Australia (ISA) (PDF - 1550k)

Submission 40 for Alternative Default Models View full list

28 October 2016. Living In An Empirical World. The Best Retirement Income Systems in the World. Rely on Industrial Defaults. Alternatives Developed by the Inquiry Should Reflect the Evidence: Netherlands, Denmark and Australian Industry Funds

Date received: 28 Oct 2016

Animal Justice Party WA (PDF - 94k)

Submission DR311 for Regulation Of Agriculture View full list

Dear Commissioners There is a shift in the consciousness of the Australian public. What was once considered standard industry practice for the treatment, housing, routine animal husbandry has come under the spotlight thanks to the tireless efforts

Date received: 27 Oct 2016

North Richmond Community Health (NRCH) (PDF - 67k)

Submission PFR320 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Brief submission I am a dentist with 30 years experience in public oral health across Australia. The delivery of dentistry in general is based on an out-dated model which rewards output - mostly restorative dental treatments. However this approach

Date received: 27 Oct 2016

Francine Bartlett (PDF - 28k)

Submission PFR354 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Brief submission. Very disappointed - the report persists with false notions of competition, contestability and choice as the means to improve quality and availability of services, client participation and healthy community. Non govt provision in

Date received: 27 Oct 2016

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