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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Grazing BestPrac (PDF - 734k)

Submission DR296 for Regulation Of Agriculture View full list

Grazing BestPrac Submission to the Productivity Commission - Agricultural regulation. page 1. Mr Paul Lindwall, Presiding Commissioner Regulation of Australian Agriculture Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2, Collins Street East Melbourne Vic 8003

Date received: 20 Sep 2016

Attorney General’s Department (PDF - 289k)

Submission 209 for Data Availability And Use View full list

Data Availability and Use Attorney-General’s Department Submission. The Attorney-General’s Department (the Department) welcomes the opportunity to make a submission on the Productivity Commission’s Data Availability and Use Issues Paper (the

Date received: 19 Sep 2016

Australian Dental Industry Association (ADIA) (PDF - 1240k)

Submission 30 for Consumer Law Enforcement And Administration View full list

The Productivity Commission has asked for guidance as to whether regulators have achieved proportionate, risk-based enforcement in practice. With respect to the ACCC’s attempts to control the supply of teeth whitening products, there is a

Date received: 19 Sep 2016

SMSF Owners' Alliance (PDF - 447k)

Submission DR108 for Superannuation Competitiveness And Efficiency View full list

1. 16 September 2016. SMSF Owners’Alliance comments on the Productivity Commission’s Draft Report:. How to Assess the Competitiveness and Efficiency of the Superannuation. System. The SMSF Owners’Alliance appreciates the opportunity to comment

Date received: 19 Sep 2016

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) (PDF - 386k)

Submission DR111 for Superannuation Competitiveness And Efficiency View full list

AUSTRALIAN PRUDENTIAL REGULATION AUTHORITY. Level 12, 1 Martin Place, Sydney, NSW, 2000. GPO Box 9836, Sydney, NSW, 2001. T 02 9210 3000| W 19 September 2016. Superannuation Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2, Collins St East

Date received: 19 Sep 2016

QSuper (PDF - 355k)

Submission DR96 for Superannuation Competitiveness And Efficiency View full list

Yours sincerel. QS U Pe GROWOIS YOUR SUPLII TOMNen. Central Plaza Three. 70 Eagle Street Brisbane. GPO Box 200 Brisbane Old 4001. P 1300 360 750. F 1300 241 602. W Ms Yvette Goss Superannuation. Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2

Date received: 19 Sep 2016

Financial Services Council (FSC) (PDF - 908k)

Submission DR110 for Superannuation Competitiveness And Efficiency View full list

1. 19 September 2016 Deputy Chairman Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2, Collins Street East Melbourne, VIC 3003. BY EMAIL: Dear Ms Chester Superannuation Efficiency and Competition The Financial Services Council welcomes the

Date received: 19 Sep 2016

Katherine Snoswell (PDF - 79k)

Submission DR297 for Regulation Of Agriculture View full list

To whom it may concern, I am making a submission in response to the draft report on Regulation in Agriculture, as follows: Draft Finding 6.1. The successful coexistence of GM and non-GM crops is possible and has been demonstrated both in Australia

Date received: 18 Sep 2016

Satish Chand (PDF - 380k)

Submission DR107 for Superannuation Competitiveness And Efficiency View full list

Differential Treatment by UniSuper between its accumulation and. defined benefit members. I submit that UniSuper has provided a superior level of service to members on the defined benefit plan vis those on an accumulation plan. The facts in support

Date received: 16 Sep 2016

LiveCorp (PDF - 211k)

Submission DR300 for Regulation Of Agriculture View full list

Dear Sir / Madam,. Thank you for the opportunity to provide a supplementary submission to the Productivity. Commission’s (the Commission) review of Regulation in Agriculture. As you are aware, LiveCorp provided a detailed submission to the initial

Date received: 16 Sep 2016

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