Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.
Fully-matching results
Bill Kearney (PDF - 48k)
Submission DR285 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list
Productivity Commission Review. I make these observations as someone who has practiced Advocacy on behalf of the Ex-Service community for the last 25 years. It is noted that the Review was released at the most inappropriate time for comment by
Date received: 25 Feb 2019
Central Queensland TPI Association (PDF - 109k)
Submission DR287 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list
1. CQ. TPI ASSOCIATION 32 MELBOURNE STREET WEST ROCKHAMPTON QLD. 4700 PH. 07 49 214 644. Comments on Productivity Commission Draft Report âA Better Way to Support Veteransâ. REPORT OVERVIEW. This section gives a short succinct description of
Date received: 25 Feb 2019
Phillip Burton (PDF - 84k)
Submission DR243 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list
Veteran Support System â Productivity Commission Submission. Submission DR243 - Phillip Burton - Compensation and Rehabilitation for Veterans - Public. inquiry. Phillip Burton. Author Note. VSS SUBMISSION - BURTON 2. Contents. Abstract.3.
Date received: 25 Feb 2019
Rod Murray (PDF - 104k)
Submission DR269 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list
SECOND SUBMISSION TO VETERANS ENTITLEMENTS. TRAVEL ALLOWANCE. Travel allowance is currently allowed for Gold Card and accepted conditions for travel to and from medical/rehab treatments. The process to claim travel allowance is by filling out an
Date received: 24 Feb 2019
Aaron Fornarino (PDF - 116k)
Submission 17 for Mental Health View full list
16 February 2019 To the Mental Health Productivity Commission My name is Aaron Fornarino. I currently work full-time for the South Australian Government as a public servant and study a Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice at Flinders University in
Date received: 21 Feb 2019
War Widowsâ Guild of Australia (PDF - 305k)
Submission DR278 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list
1 | P a g e. WAR WIDOWSâGUILD OF AUSTRALIA INC. Patron: His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retâd). Governor General of the Commonwealth of Australia. ABN: 33 257 520 962. NATIONAL PRESIDENT:. Mrs. Meg Green. SECRETARY
Date received: 21 Feb 2019
Association of Totally and Permanently Incapacitated Ex-Service Men and Women (South Australia) (PDF - 5022k)
Submission DR310 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list
The Association of Totally and Permanently Incapacitated Ex-Service Men and Women (South Australian Branch) Incorporated. POSTAL ADDRESS 169-171 Richmond Road. RICHMOND 5033 Email: PATRON His Excellency the Honourable Hieu Van
Date received: 20 Feb 2019
Veterans' Advisory Council South Australia (PDF - 200k)
Submission DR266 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list
The Productivity Commission. Inquiry into VeteransâAffairsâLegislative Framework and Supporting Architecture for Compensation and Rehabilitation for Veterans (Serving and Ex-serving. Australian Defence Force Members). Draft Report. Submission by
Date received: 19 Feb 2019
Air Force Association (PDF - 342k)
Submission DR267 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list
AIR FORCE ASSOCIATION RESPONSE TO PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION DRAFT REPORT ON INQUIRY INTO COMPENSATION AND REHABILITATION FOR VETERANS. Introduction. 1. The Air Force Association welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Productivity Commissionâs
Date received: 19 Feb 2019
Carers NSW (PDF - 168k)
Submission DR264 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list
18 February 2019. Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra City, ACT 2601. A Better Way to Support Veterans Draft Report. Carers NSW welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Better Way to Support Veterans Draft. Report. This submission
Date received: 18 Feb 2019
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