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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Dr Lisa Doyle (PDF - 30k)

Submission 194 for Data Availability And Use View full list

I am, and always have been happy to fill out my census, seeing it as a responsibility as a citizen, like voting. I do not however consent to my data being sold or in any way used commercially. That is not the social contract I entered into by

Date received: 15 Aug 2016

Rosalie Bittar (PDF - 57k)

Submission DR116 for Regulation Of Agriculture View full list

15 August 2016. Dear Sir/Madam. My submission is as follows. I strongly support recommendations 5.1 and 5.2 of the Draft Report, relating to the Regulation of farm animal welfare. I believe that animals should have welfare. I do not believe in

Date received: 15 Aug 2016

Dr Chris Nadolny (PDF - 137k)

Submission DR118 for Regulation Of Agriculture View full list

Submission concerning Productivity Commission Draft Report concerning “Regulation of Australian Agriculture”. Dr Chris Nadolny. I am writing this submission based on my 35+ years of experience working in the ecological sciences, mostly dealing

Date received: 15 Aug 2016

Susan Moore (PDF - 51k)

Submission DR168 for Regulation Of Agriculture View full list

Aspendale Gardens,. Vic 3195. THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION. Submission to Regulation of Agriculture Enquiry. In reviewing the Regulation of Agriculture you have the responsibility for the health of every Australian citizen to

Date received: 15 Aug 2016

SISL Group (PDF - 165k)

Submission DR117 for Regulation Of Agriculture View full list

SISL FUNDS MANAGEMENT LIMITED ABN 64 127 684 851. 12 August 2016. Regulation of Australian Agriculture Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2, Collins St East PO Melbourne VIC 8003. Regulation of Australian Agriculture I write in response to the Draft

Date received: 15 Aug 2016

Michael Burns (PDF - 38k)

Submission DR280 for Regulation Of Agriculture View full list

RECEIV,:.j. G M 0 FOODS. Nightmare in the making. 15 AUG 2015. G M 0 foods are crops that nature would not allow to happen without the help of science. We are putting foods into our bodies that our bodies have never seen before. Monsanto have stated

Date received: 15 Aug 2016

National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organization (NACCHO) (PDF - 1658k)

Submission 192 for Data Availability And Use View full list

NACCHO submission: Productivity Commission Inquiry into Data Availability and Use. 1. NACCHO Submission. Inquiry into Data Availability. and Use. August 2016. To: Productivity Commission. NACCHO submission: Productivity Commission Inquiry into Data

Date received: 15 Aug 2016

CANEGROWERS Innisfail (PDF - 476k)

Submission DR119 for Regulation Of Agriculture View full list

INNISFAIL DISTRICT CANE GROWERS ORGANISATION LIMITED (ACN 111 471 124). (Trading as CANEGROWERS Innisfail). CANEGROWERS Innisfail. Cnr Bruce Highway and Bombala Street Phone: 4063 2477 PO Box 67 Fax: 4063 2488 MOURILYAN QLD 4858 Email:

Date received: 15 Aug 2016

Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) (PDF - 257k)

Submission 283 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

PC Human Services Inquiry: identifying sectors for reform August, 2016. 2 PC Human Services Inquiry: identifying sectors for reform – August, 2016. WORKING FOR BUSINESS. WORKING FOR AUSTRALIA Telephone 02 6270 8000 Email Website

Date received: 15 Aug 2016

Anna Sri (PDF - 69k)

Submission DR122 for Regulation Of Agriculture View full list

Dear Commission,. I am making this submission as a veterinarian concerned about animal welfare, and also as an individual consumer. • I strongly support recommendations 5.1 and 5.2 of the Draft Report, relating to the Regulation of farm animal

Date received: 14 Aug 2016

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