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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Australia Post (PDF - 716k)

Submission 174 for Data Availability And Use View full list Classification: PUBLIC. Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into Data Availability and Use Australia Post Response. Trusted eCommerce Solutions - Data and Insights. 05 August 2016. Australia Post - Productivity Commission’s Inquiry

Date received: 10 Aug 2016

National Boer Goat Association (PDF - 227k)

Submission DR111 for Regulation Of Agriculture View full list

1/08/2016. TO THE COMMISSION ON “THE REGULATION OF AGRICULTURE’:. As Administrator of a National Boer Goat Association – ‘BOER GOAT AUSTRALIA INC.’and a breeder of Dairy goats for over 30. years I would like to notify you of my concerns

Date received: 9 Aug 2016

Animal Justice Party Victoria (PDF - 1167k)

Submission DR112 for Regulation Of Agriculture View full list

Animal Justice Party Victoria. August 2016 1. Animal Justice Party Victoria. Submission for the Productivity Commission. Review into Agriculture Australia. By Justine Curatolo. Animal Justice Party Victoria. Independent Office of Animal Welfare

Date received: 9 Aug 2016

Producers Forum (PDF - 158k)

Submission DR277 for Regulation Of Agriculture View full list

produicers f co rt- rt,. For OlOtEEMIEllOgLi EILLE- S. Heather Baldock National Convenor. Producers Forum PO Box 460. Kimba SA 5641. Productivity Commission Regulation of Agriculture Locked Bay 2, Collins Street MELBOURNE VIC 8003. 29 July 2016. RE:

Date received: 8 Aug 2016

Australian Publishers Association (PDF - 153k)

Submission DR614 for Intellectual Property Arrangements View full list

5 August 2016 Commissioner Karen Chester Commission Jonathan Coppel Productivity Commission Level 12, 530 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia Dear Commissioners

Date received: 8 Aug 2016

Facebook (PDF - 160k)

Submission 172 for Data Availability And Use View full list

1. 8th August 2016 Data Access Inquiry Productivity Commission Level 2, 15 Moore Street Canberra City ACT 2600, Australia By email: Dear Commissioner Harris, Facebook welcomes the opportunity to provide information about our

Date received: 8 Aug 2016

Phillip Sweeney (PDF - 435k)

Submission DR51 for Superannuation Competitiveness And Efficiency View full list

28 July 2016. Highton, 3216. Attn: Ms Karen Chester. Deputy Chair. Productivity Commission. Locked Bag 2, Collins St East Melbourne VIC 8003,. Dear Deputy Chair. Re: Efficiency and Competiveness. of the Superannuation System. I note that the

Date received: 8 Aug 2016

Commonwealth Bank of Australia (PDF - 310k)

Submission 175 for Data Availability And Use View full list

1. Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124. Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry on Data Availability and Use. 1. Executive summary. 1.1 The importance of data to the Commonwealth Bank. The Commonwealth Bank of Australia Group

Date received: 8 Aug 2016

South Australian Government (PDF - 326k)

Submission 281 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Productivity Commission — Human Services:. Identifying Sectors for Reform. Submission from the South Australian Government. August 2016. 1. Introduction. The provision of high quality human services is critical to the wellbeing of all Australians

Date received: 8 Aug 2016

Council of Private Higher Education (COPHE) (PDF - 548k)

Submission 280 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

cophe response to productivity commission - human services final Page 1. -. Response to the. Human Services: Identifying Sectors for Reform. Productivity Commission Issues Paper June 2016. COPHE welcomes the opportunity to participate in this

Date received: 8 Aug 2016

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