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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Generic and Biosimilar Medicines Association (GBMA) (PDF - 301k)

Submission DR396 for Intellectual Property Arrangements View full list

3 June 2016. Intellectual Property Arrangements Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601 By email: GBMA Response to the Productivity Commission Draft Report. The Generic and Biosimilar Medicines

Date received: 3 Jun 2016

Secret Girls Business Partnership (PDF - 108k)

Submission DR515 for Intellectual Property Arrangements View full list

Objections. Having briefly read aspects of the report relating to fair dealing, we would strenuously and rigorously oppose extension of any capacity to loosen copyright through so-called Fair Use provisions whereby allowing schools and institutions

Date received: 3 Jun 2016

Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network (AFTINET) (PDF - 193k)

Submission DR471 for Intellectual Property Arrangements View full list

1. Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Intellectual Property Arrangements Draft Report. June 2016. By Patricia Ranald and Jemma Williams Contact: Dr Patricia Ranald Convenor, Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network 128

Date received: 3 Jun 2016

Allen & Unwin (PDF - 48k)

Submission DR473 for Intellectual Property Arrangements View full list

83 Alexander Street PO Box 8500 Crows Nest, Sydney St Leonards NSW 2065 NSW 1590 ph: (61 2) 8425 0100 Allen &Unwin PTY LTD Australia Australia fax: (61 2) 9966 0065 ABN 79 003 994 278. 3 June 2016 Allen

Date received: 3 Jun 2016

Australasian Open Access Strategy Group (PDF - 176k)

Submission DR431 for Intellectual Property Arrangements View full list

Australasian Open Access Strategy Group• • @openaccessanz. AOASG response to Productivity Commission Intellectual Property Arrangements, Draft report Prepared by Dr Virginia Barbour, Executive Director, on behalf of the

Date received: 3 Jun 2016

Arnold Bloch Leibler (PDF - 488k)

Submission DR349 for Intellectual Property Arrangements View full list

funold Bloch Leibler Lawyers and Advisers. 3 June 2016. By E-mail Your Ref OurRef MDLZM File No. 010444444. lntellectual Property Arrangements lnquiry Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601. i ntel lectua l. property@pc. g ov.

Date received: 3 Jun 2016

Polly Seidler (PDF - 95k)

Submission DR555 for Intellectual Property Arrangements View full list

1. I write as someone who has dealt with administration of copyright for my late architect father Harry Seidler AC, photographers, visual artists and assisting with obtaining and securing clearances from artists and photographers for architecture

Date received: 3 Jun 2016

Music Rights Australia (PDF - 380k)

Submission DR407 for Intellectual Property Arrangements View full list

Music Rights Australia’s Submission in Response to the Productivity Commission Draft Report on Intellectual Property Arrangements. June 2016. Contents About Music Rights Australia.2. Summary.2. Copyright Protection.2. Safe Harbour and Industry

Date received: 3 Jun 2016

Ruth Skilbeck (PDF - 69k)

Submission DR457 for Intellectual Property Arrangements View full list

1 . A response from an Author-­‐Publisher to the Intellectual Property Arrangements Issue paper To the Productivity Commissioners Dear Sirs and Dear Madams, After reading the Intellectual Property Arrangements Issues

Date received: 3 Jun 2016

Alex Finch (PDF - 120k)

Submission 43 for Superannuation Competitiveness And Efficiency View full list

Inquiry into Superannuation – a follow-up submission by Alex Finch: Understanding the connection between super and negative gearing, and how the top 20% used it. Who will win the next election? Answer: Australia’s top 20%. Vote Labour – it’s

Date received: 3 Jun 2016

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