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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Energy Super (PDF - 1219k)

Submission 19 for Superannuation Competitiveness And Efficiency View full list

20 April 2016. Superannuation Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2 Collins St East MELBOURNE VIC 8003. Dear Sir. • • • • • • • • • • • · · · · · · • e •.,. • • • • • • • • • • • • •.;;.

Date received: 20 Apr 2016

Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC) (PDF - 325k)

Submission 15 for Superannuation Competitiveness And Efficiency View full list

1. 18 April 2016. PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION: SUPERANNUATION COMPETITIVENESS AND EFFICIENCY. - SUBMISSION -. With over 40 years of experience, the Depository Trust &Clearing Corporation ( provides post- trade market infrastructure for the

Date received: 20 Apr 2016

Bruce Wilson (PDF - 91k)

Submission 13 for Superannuation Competitiveness And Efficiency View full list

Superannuation Competitiveness and Efficiency – Submission by Bruce Wilson - SUPERANNUATION COMPETITIVENESS AND EFFICIENCY Submission to the Productivity Commission (“PC”) review into Superannuation. Competitiveness and

Date received: 20 Apr 2016

QLD Nurses Union (PDF - 494k)

Submission 16 for Superannuation Competitiveness And Efficiency View full list

1. Submission to. The Productivity Commission. Superannuation Efficiency and Competitiveness. April, 2016. 2. Contents Page. Introduction. 3. Purpose and Principles of Superannuation. 3. Women in Retirement. 4. Recommendation. 5. References. 6. 3.

Date received: 20 Apr 2016

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) (PDF - 164k)

Submission 11 for Superannuation Competitiveness And Efficiency View full list

PricewaterhouseCoopers, ABN 52 780 433 757 Freshwater Place, 2 Southbank Boulevard, SOUTHBANK VIC 3006, GPO Box 1331, MELBOURNE VIC 3001 T: 61 3 8603 1000, F: 61 3 8603 1999, Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional

Date received: 20 Apr 2016

David Hartley (PDF - 225k)

Submission 12 for Superannuation Competitiveness And Efficiency View full list

Individual Submission by David Hartley Page. 1. Superannuation Competitiveness and Efficiency Individual Submission to Australian Government Productivity Commission I note the Terms of Reference and congratulate the Productivity Commission on the

Date received: 20 Apr 2016

Law Council of Australia (PDF - 105k)

Submission 17 for Superannuation Competitiveness And Efficiency View full list

GPO Box 1989, Canberra. ACT 2601, DX 5719 Canberra 19 Torrens St Braddon ACT 2612. Telephone 61 2 6246 3788 Facsimile 61 2 6248 0639. Law Council of Australia Limited ABN 85 005 260 622. 20 April 2016. Superannuation

Date received: 20 Apr 2016

Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) (PDF - 292k)

Submission 18 for Superannuation Competitiveness And Efficiency View full list

ACTU Submission to the. Productivity Commission on. Superannuation Stage 1. 20 April 2016. 1. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. 1. BACKGROUND. 1. Philosophical Background to the current system. 1. The Award system as the appropriate foundation for the system.

Date received: 20 Apr 2016

Luke Smith (PDF - 132k)

Submission 5 for Superannuation Competitiveness And Efficiency View full list

1. Superannuation Productivity Commission. Locked Bag 2, Collins Street East. Melbourne Vic 8003. RE: Submission – Superannuation Competitiveness and Efficiency Issues Paper. Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission in response to the

Date received: 19 Apr 2016

Association of Independent Retirees (AIR) (PDF - 110k)

Submission 6 for Superannuation Competitiveness And Efficiency View full list

A.I.R.– Response to Productivity Commission Review into the Superannuation System 1 ACN 102 164 385. Association of Independent Retirees (A.I.R.) Limited Working for Australians in Retirement. Productivity Commission Review Into the Efficiency and

Date received: 19 Apr 2016

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