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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Sydney Airport (PDF - 439k)

Submission DR39 for Service Exports View full list

Sydney Airport Corporation Limited, Central Terrace Building, 10 Arrivals Court, Locked Bag 5000, Sydney International Airport, NSW 2020 Australia. ABN 62 082 578 809 T 02 9667 9111 17 September 2015. Ms Angela MacRae

Date received: 17 Sep 2015

Job Watch (PDF - 5103k)

Submission DR285 for Workplace Relations Framework View full list

6 p(oy enf Righ Lege:;{ Centre. 2N° Submission to the Productivity Commission- Workplace Relations Framework Inquiry. Prepared by: lan Scott (Principal Lawyer) with the assistance of JobWatch Volunteers. Job Watch lnc Level 10, 21 Victoria Street,

Date received: 17 Sep 2015

Australian Services Union (ASU) (PDF - 106k)

Submission DR283 for Workplace Relations Framework View full list

2 | P a g e. Table of Contents. Introduction. 3 Summary of key ASU issues and recommendations. 4 ASU submission in response to the Productivity Commission’s Draft Report into Australia’s Workplace Relations Framework. 5. Minimum wages. 5 Penalty

Date received: 17 Sep 2015

Prime Minister's Community Business Partnership (PDF - 655k)

Submission DR277 for Workplace Relations Framework View full list

• •. '. Australian Government. Prime Minister's Community Business Partnership. Mr Peter Harris AO. Chairman Productivity Commission Presiding Commissioner Workplace Relations Framework. GPO Box 1428 CANBERRA ACT 2601. workplace.relations@pc. gov

Date received: 16 Sep 2015

Australian Financial Markets Association (PDF - 186k)

Submission DR37 for Service Exports View full list

1 . Australian Financial Markets Association ABN 69 793 968 987. Level 25, Angel Place, 123 Pitt Street GPO Box 3655 Sydney NSW 2001 Tel: 612 9776 7907 Email: Web:

Date received: 16 Sep 2015

Victoria Legal Aid (PDF - 4699k)

Submission DR276 for Workplace Relations Framework View full list

Your reference:. Our reference: NA LH. telephone: (03) 9269 0350 fax: (03) 9269 0210. O Victoria Legal Aid. 15 September 2015. Peter Harris AO, Chairman Workplace Relations Framework Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 CANBERRA CITY ACT 2601.

Date received: 16 Sep 2015

English Australia (PDF - 2107k)

Submission DR36 for Service Exports View full list

. . 14 September 2015 . Sent to: Productivity Commission via email . RESPONSE TO PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION DRAFT REPORT ON BARRIERS TO GROWTH IN SERVICE EXPORTS . English Australia welcomes the

Date received: 15 Sep 2015

St Vincent de Paul Society National Council (PDF - 800k)

Submission DR280 for Workplace Relations Framework View full list

1 | P a g e. Workplace Relations Framework Inquiry. Productivity Commission. GPO Box 1428. Canberra City ACT 2601. Submitted by email: 18 September 2015. Submission on Draft Workplace Relations Framework Inquiry.

Date received: 15 Sep 2015

Victorian Government (PDF - 206k)

Submission DR274 for Workplace Relations Framework View full list

Victorian Government Reply Submission to. the Draft Report of the Productivity. Commission Inquiry into the Workplace. Relations Framework. 14 September 2015. Page 2 of 14. Victorian Government Reply Submission. to the Productivity Commission

Date received: 15 Sep 2015

Work and Family Policy Roundtable and Women and Work Research Group (PDF - 254k)

Submission DR275 for Workplace Relations Framework View full list

1 . September 16, 2015 Joint Submission in response to the Draft Report of the Productivity Commission Inquiry into the Workplace Relations Framework Email: Workplace Relations Inquiry

Date received: 15 Sep 2015

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