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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians Board (PDF - 115k)

Submission DR64 for Mutual Recognition Schemes View full list

Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians Board. 24 July 2015. Australian Government Productivity Commission. Mutual.recognition( Consultation on Productivity Commission Draft Report on Mutual Recognition Schemes. Background. 1. The

Date received: 24 Jul 2015

ACT Emergency Service Agency (PDF - 126k)

Submission 25 for Public Safety Mobile Broadband View full list

Government. Submission from the ACT Emergency Services Agency to the Public Safety Mobile. Broadband Issue Paper. The Emergency Services Agency (ESA) welcomes the opportunity to present a submission to. the Productivity Commission, Public Safety

Date received: 24 Jul 2015

Dental Council (PDF - 297k)

Submission DR65 for Mutual Recognition Schemes View full list

1. Submission. on the Draft Report of the Productivity Commission. Mutual Recognition Agreement and the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Arrangement. July 2015. To: the Australian Productivity Commission. LB 2, Collins Street East Melbourne. Vic 8003

Date received: 24 Jul 2015

New Zealand Law Society (PDF - 219k)

Submission DR66 for Mutual Recognition Schemes View full list

NEW ZEALAND LAW SOCIETY. Law Society Building, 26 Waring Taylor Street, Wellington, DX SP20202, Wellington or PO Box 5041, Lambton Quay,. Wellington 6145, New Zealand. NZLS EST 1869. TEL 64 4 472 7837 • FAX 64 4 473 7909 E

Date received: 24 Jul 2015

Architects Accreditation Council of Australia (AACA) (PDF - 266k)

Submission DR61 for Mutual Recognition Schemes View full list

architects. accreditation. council. of australia. ABN 83 465 163 655. ACN 109 433 114. PO Box 236. Civic Square ACT. Australia 2608. T. 612 6230 0506. F: 612 6230 7879. Productivity Commission. GPO Box 1428.

Date received: 24 Jul 2015

Push2Talk (PDF - 309k)

Submission 24 for Public Safety Mobile Broadband View full list

July 2015 Push2Talk – Mutualink – Interoperable Communications. 1. Attachment B — Consolidated list of questions What is the merit (or otherwise) of the proposed approach to undertaking first principles analysis in this study? The Merit:. •

Date received: 24 Jul 2015

Victorian Institute of Teaching (PDF - 103k)

Submission DR60 for Mutual Recognition Schemes View full list

Page 1 of 2. FURTHER SUBMISSION TO PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION REVIEW OF MUTUAL RECOGNITION SCHEME. JULY 2015 . The Victorian Institute of Teaching (the Institute) thanks the Commission for the

Date received: 22 Jul 2015

Australian Society Orthodontists (PDF - 195k)

Submission DR59 for Mutual Recognition Schemes View full list

Australian Society of Orthodontists Incorporated President Tony Collett ABN 65 326 076 244 Secretary Chris Theodosi Treasurer Robbie Schwartz PO Box 576 Crows Nest NSW 1585 Australia 20 July 2015. Mr Jonathan Coppel.

Date received: 21 Jul 2015

Innovative Research Universities (PDF - 493k)

Submission 66 for Migrant Intake Into Australia View full list

w Charles Darwin University Flinders University Griffith University James Cook University La Trobe University Murdoch University. Productivity Commission Review of Australia’s Migrant Intake: IRU comment. The IRU supports the

Date received: 21 Jul 2015

Australian Business Register (PDF - 175k)

Submission DR58 for Mutual Recognition Schemes View full list

1. July 2015 Jonathan Coppel Presiding Commissioner Productivity Commission Study of the MRA and TTMRA Level 12, 530 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Dear Jonathan Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to the Commission’s review of the

Date received: 21 Jul 2015

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