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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Australian Restructuring, Insolvency and Turnaround Association (ARITA) (PDF - 423k)

Submission DR53 for Business Set-up, Transfer And Closure View full list

ARITA ACN 002 472 362. Level 5, 33 Erskine Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia | GPO Box 4340, Sydney NSW 2001 t 61 2 8004 4344 | f 61 8 8006 5540 | e | AUSTRALIAN RESTRUCTURING INSOLVENCY &TURNAROUND ASSOCIATION. 6

Date received: 6 Jul 2015

Master Builders Australia (PDF - 909k)

Submission DR49 for Business Set-up, Transfer And Closure View full list

Master Builders Australia. Submission to Productivity Commission. on the Draft Report –. Inquiry into Business Set-up, Transfer and Closure. 6 July 2015. Master Builders Australia – Submission re Inquiry into Business Set-up, Transfer and Closure

Date received: 6 Jul 2015

Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland (PDF - 1908k)

Submission DR44 for Business Set-up, Transfer And Closure View full list

Cc"'IIII 9 Powering business potential 3 July 2015. Business Set-up, Transfer and Closure Productivity Commission By email: Dear Sir/Madam,. As the state's peak body for business, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Date received: 3 Jul 2015

Shopping Centre Council of Australia (PDF - 279k)

Submission DR45 for Business Set-up, Transfer And Closure View full list

SUoPPING CpxTRE COUNCIL OF AUSTRALIA. 3 July 2015. Business Set-up, Transfer and Closure Productivity Com mission GPO Box 1482 CANBERRA ACT 2601. Via email : Dear Sir/Madam,. Draft Report - Business Set-up, Transfer and

Date received: 3 Jul 2015

PPB Advisory (PDF - 139k)

Submission DR42 for Business Set-up, Transfer And Closure View full list

Response to Business Set-up, Transfer and Closure Productivity Commission Draft Report, May 2015. by PPB Advisory. 3 July 2015. Att: Dr Warren Mundy. Presiding Commissioner. Productivity Commission. GPO Box 1428. CANBERRA ACT 2601. Email:

Date received: 3 Jul 2015

DibbsBarker (PDF - 66k)

Submission DR46 for Business Set-up, Transfer And Closure View full list

27557269 v3 National 06 07 15. 3 July 2015. Business Set-up, Transfer and Closure Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 CANBERRA ACT 2601 By email: Dear Productivity Commission. Productivity Commission Business Set-up,

Date received: 3 Jul 2015

Australian Institute of Company Directors (PDF - 73k)

Submission DR43 for Business Set-up, Transfer And Closure View full list

Level 30 20 Bond Street Sydney NSW 2000 ABN 11 008 484 197 T: 61 2 8248 6600 F: 61 2 8248 6633 E: 3 July 2015 Business Set-Up, Transfer and Closure in Australia Productivity Commission GPO

Date received: 3 Jul 2015

Department of Social Services (PDF - 616k)

Submission 62 for Migrant Intake Into Australia View full list

Pathways to participation for migrants Productivity Commission Inquiry Migrant Intake into Australia. 2. Submission June 2015. 3. Productivity Commission Inquiry: Migrant Intake into Australia. Introduction. Australia’s Migration Programme has

Date received: 3 Jul 2015

Governance Institute of Australia (PDF - 271k)

Submission DR41 for Business Set-up, Transfer And Closure View full list

Sydney | Melbourne | Brisbane | Adelaide | Perth. Governance Institute of Australia Ltd ABN 49 008 615 950. T 61 2 9223 5744 F 61 2 9232 7174. E Level 10, 5 Hunter Street, Sydney NSW 2000. GPO Box 1594, Sydney NSW

Date received: 2 Jul 2015

Associate Prof Helen Anderson, Professors Ian Ramsay, Ann O'Connell, Melbourne Law School and Associate Prof Michelle Welsh, Department of Business Law and Taxation, Monash University (PDF - 253k)

Submission DR40 for Business Set-up, Transfer And Closure View full list

1. AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT, PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION BUSINESS SET-UP, TRANSFER AND CLOSURE. RESPONSE TO INFORMATION REQUEST. Submission by Associate Professor Helen Anderson, Professor Ann O’Connell and Professor Ian Ramsay, Melbourne Law School and

Date received: 2 Jul 2015

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