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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Service Skills Australia (PDF - 199k)

Submission 27 for Service Exports View full list

Level 10, 171 Clarence St. Sydney NSW 2000. GPO Box 4194. Sydney NSW 2001. Service Industries Skills Council ABN 37 107 591 864. P 61 2 8243 1200 F 61 2 8243 1299 E ServiceSkillsAustralia ServiceSkills

Date received: 5 Jun 2015

CSIRO (PDF - 223k)

Submission 16 for Public Safety Mobile Broadband View full list

Digital Productivity Flagship CSIRI Submission Inquiry into Public Safety Mobile Broadband. Productivity Commission, Australian Government. June 2015. Enquiries and Main Submission Authors. Mr Peter King Mr Gavin Walker. Manger, Design

Date received: 5 Jun 2015

Alcatel-Lucent (PDF - 490k)

Submission 15 for Public Safety Mobile Broadband View full list

PUBLIC SAFETY MOBILE BROADBAND. Public Safety Mobile Broadband. A submission to the Productivity Commission Issues Paper. June 2015. Alcatel-Lucent welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Productivity Commission Issues Paper, ‘Public Safety

Date received: 5 Jun 2015

Abdallah Alkhateeb (PDF - 71k)

Submission 10 for Migrant Intake Into Australia View full list

Submission to the Productivity Commission migrate intake into Australia. charging entry fees on migrants to Australia by Abdallah Alkhateeb 3 june 2015. I think Australia will be very smart country to consider taking 1Timmigrants1T for the price of

Date received: 4 Jun 2015

Australian Multicultural Council (PDF - 166k)

Submission 11 for Migrant Intake Into Australia View full list

Attention: Productivity Commission Inquiry Migrant Intake into Australia. Dear Sir/Madam. Public Inquiry: Migrant Intake into Australia. Australian Multicultural Council Submission – 3 June 2015. The Council is pleased to

Date received: 4 Jun 2015

Emerg Solutions (PDF - 260k)

Submission 13 for Public Safety Mobile Broadband View full list

Emerg Solutions Pty Ltd response to Australian Productivity Commission’s “Public Safety Mobile Broadband”Issues Paper. Summary. This submission will demonstrate how the deployment of the Public Safety Mobile Broadband would be beneficial to end

Date received: 3 Jun 2015

Law Council of Australia (PDF - 116k)

Submission 26 for Service Exports View full list

13467691/1GPO Box 1989, Canberra. ACT 2601, DX 5719 Canberra 19 Torrens St Braddon ACT 2612. Telephone 61 2 6246 3788 Facsimile 61 2 6248 0639. Law Council of Australia Limited ABN 85 005 260 622. 3 June 2015 Ms Angela MacRae

Date received: 3 Jun 2015

Motorola (PDF - 615k)

Submission 12 for Public Safety Mobile Broadband View full list

Motorola Solutions Australia Pty Ltd A.B.N. 16 004 742 312 Telephone 61 3 9847 7500 10 Wesley Court, Tally Ho Business Park, East Burwood, Victoria 3151 Fax 61 3 9847 7501 Postal address: Locked Bag 27, Mt Waverley, Victoria 3149. Page 1 of 33.

Date received: 3 Jun 2015

Vodafone (PDF - 113k)

Submission 11 for Public Safety Mobile Broadband View full list

Public Safety Mobile Broadband. Submission to the Productivity Commission. June 2015. 1. Contents. Introduction. 2 . Network technology. 3 . Services. 4 . Prioritisation. 5 . Build or buy? 6 . Spectrum requirements. 9 . Concluding remarks.

Date received: 2 Jun 2015

Ericsson (PDF - 180k)

Submission 10 for Public Safety Mobile Broadband View full list

Public Safety Mobile Broadband Consultation - Productivity Commission - May 2015. Rev B. Public Safety Mobile Broadband Consultation - Productivity Commission - May 2015. Rev B 2015-06-01  Ericsson AB 2015 2 (24) Public. Public Safety Mobile

Date received: 2 Jun 2015

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