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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

NSW Far North Coast Early Childhood Educators (PDF - 31k)

Submission DR828 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

NSW Far North Coast Early Childhood Educators The NSW FNC ECE group consists of early childhood educators working in children’s services and associated organisations within the region including Lismore, Ballina, Byron Bay and Tweed Shires. We meet

Date received: 5 Sep 2014

Early Childhood Intervention Australia (ECIA) (PDF - 541k)

Submission DR717 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

1. Early Childhood Intervention Australia (ECIA). Early Childhood Intervention Australia. ECIA Response to the Productivity Commission. Inquiry into Child Care and Early Learning. Draft Report. 4 September 2014. Submission prepared by ECIA VC on

Date received: 5 Sep 2014

Community Connections Solutions Australia (PDF - 190k)

Submission DR805 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

Response to the Productivity Commission’s. Draft Report on. Childcare and Early Childhood Learning. September 2014. About CCSA CCSA is a peak body that aims to facilitate quality outcomes for children through the provision of integrated management,

Date received: 5 Sep 2014

Sharon Graham (PDF - 48k)

Submission DR885 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

Productivity Commission Submission. Background to this submission: I opened my centre in May 1994. I have a bachelor of Teaching in Early Childhood The centre has 29 children, 4 between 0-2years, 8 from 2-3 and 17 from 3-5. We employ 7 staff: 2

Date received: 5 Sep 2014

Montessori Australia Foundation (PDF - 86k)

Submission DR729 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

Response to the July 2014 Productivity Commission Draft Report Childcare and Early Childhood Learning September 2014. Background The Montessori sector is unique, diverse and significant in Australian education, particularly in early childhood. There

Date received: 5 Sep 2014

Great South Coast Early Years Networks (PDF - 113k)

Submission DR774 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

EARLY YEARS NETWORK. Great South Coast Early Years Network: Response to the draft Productivity Commission Inquiry report into Childcare and Early Learning The Great South Coast Early Years Network is a group of agencies working across the Great

Date received: 5 Sep 2014

Australian Education Union (PDF - 86k)

Submission DR696 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

Australian Education Union. Submission to the. Productivity Commission’s Draft Inquiry Report into Child Care and Early Childhood Learning. September 2014. Angelo Gavrielatos Australian Education Union Federal President PO Box 1158 South Melbourne

Date received: 5 Sep 2014

Nardia Sheriff (PDF - 45k)

Submission DR704 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

To whom it may concern, I recently saw Sussan Ley on television speaking about the productivity commission into childcare and felt compelled to provide my input and views regarding childcare. I am a 35 year old woman who has two children aged 2 and

Date received: 5 Sep 2014

Cultural Au Pair Association of Australia (PDF - 106k)

Submission DR728 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

1. Response to the Productivity Commission. Draft Report on Childcare and Early. Childhood Learning. Written by Wendi Aylward. On behalf of the Cultural Au Pair in Australia Association (CAPAA). September, 2014. 2. CAPAA welcomes

Date received: 5 Sep 2014

Qld Children’s Activities Network (PDF - 161k)

Submission DR760 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

1. Submission to the Productivity Commission inquiry on Childcare and Early Childhood Learning. The Queensland Children’s Activities Network (QCAN) Inc is the peak body for OSHC supporting and promoting quality OSHC opportunities for all

Date received: 5 Sep 2014

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