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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Fiona Barca (PDF - 18k)

Submission DR653 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

Dear Productivity Commission,. Thank you for taking the time to produce the report and also for reading my submission. I own a small. centre on the south coast of NSW and have a few issues I would like to make a contribution with. The biggest issue

Date received: 4 Sep 2014

Name withheld (PDF - 26k)

Submission DR634 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

I am the mother of two children, and have used not-for-profit child care since February 2011. I worked full-time from then until June 2013, had maternity leave until March 2014 and returned to work part-time then. It is critically important to me

Date received: 4 Sep 2014

Julie Creasey (PDF - 105k)

Submission DR657 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

3rd September, 2014. Dear Commissioner. I am an early childhood teacher. I studied, part time as a mature age student for eight years to. complete my Bachelor of education whilst raising my three children, who were for part of that time. attending

Date received: 4 Sep 2014

OSHC Educators (PDF - 44k)

Submission DR662 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

Syndal South Primary School Out of School Hours Care Program Montgomery Avenue Mt Waverley 3149. Productivity Commission Inquiry into Child Care and Early Childhood Learning Submission from OSHC Educators Maree Sier, Shona Davis, Claudia Collins,

Date received: 4 Sep 2014

Angela Kreis (PDF - 46k)

Submission DR633 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

I am a mother of a one year old child and another baby on the way. My child has been attending a wonderful not-for-profit childcare centre in Sydney's CBD since six months of age, four days a week. I have some comments and some serious concerns

Date received: 4 Sep 2014

Anna van Ruitenburg-Lim (PDF - 13k)

Submission DR630 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

Dear Sir/Madam, With this letter I would like to express my concerns (as a private citizen) about some of the Productivity Commission’s recommendations regarding Childcare and Early Childhood learning. I have a daughter of almost 15 months who

Date received: 4 Sep 2014

Carla Robinson (PDF - 57k)

Submission DR636 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

To whom it may concern,. I am a Director of a long day care service in country town Mildura, our service is an extensive 140 place privately owned and operated business. We have been open in our community for the best part of three years now and are

Date received: 4 Sep 2014

Danielle Leete (PDF - 68k)

Submission DR627 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

Danielle Leete. 4TH September 2014. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. RE: PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION DRAFT REPORT. CHILDCARE AND EARLY LEARNING. My name is Danielle Leete and I feel that it is important for me to express my thoughts on the draft report for the

Date received: 4 Sep 2014

Devendra Dolasia (PDF - 12k)

Submission DR675 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

I am writing in regards to “child care and elderly care issue concerning anf affecting many Australian families. My wife is a PSA and working a aged care home, she frequently tells me that there are plenty of people in these homes, who could and

Date received: 4 Sep 2014

Craig d’Arcy (PDF - 34k)

Submission DR632 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

I am a World Forum Men in Early Childhood Education Co-coordinator and Australian representative, and coordinate and teach at a small community preschool. As founder of the national Males in Early Childhood Network Group, I provide mentoring for

Date received: 4 Sep 2014

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