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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Ian Gillard (PDF - 100k)

Submission DR211 for Superannuation: Assessing Efficiency And Competitiveness View full list

Superannuation: Assessing Competitiveness and Efficiency. • what impact costs and fees have on members with low account balances, and what actions. could be undertaken – whether by funds or policy changes – to ensure that these balances. are

Date received: 28 Aug 2018

Therapy 4 kids (PDF - 169k)

Submission 38 for Review Of The National Disability Agreement View full list

24th August 2018. The following is submitted in response to the Productivity Commission Issues Paper National Disability Agreement Review of July 2018. By way of background, Therapy 4 Kids is a multidisciplinary private practice providing

Date received: 27 Aug 2018

Australian Psychological Society (APS) (PDF - 173k)

Submission 41 for Review Of The National Disability Agreement View full list

24 August 2018. Productivity Commission. National Disability Agreement Review. Submission lodged online:. To whom it may concern,. RE: National Disability Agreement Review:

Date received: 27 Aug 2018

National Disability Services (PDF - 138k)

Submission 36 for Review Of The National Disability Agreement View full list

Submission to the Productivity Commission: National Disability Agreement Review Purpose and scope of the NDA National Disability Services (NDS) believes that a new National Disability Agreement (NDA) is required to provide the overarching framework

Date received: 27 Aug 2018

Darwin Community Legal Service (PDF - 223k)

Submission 35 for Review Of The National Disability Agreement View full list

1 | P a g e. Submission to the National Disability Agreement Review. About DCLS. DCLS is a multi-disciplinary service providing general legal advice and assistance, a tenancy service, and a specialised Seniors and Disability Rights Service providing

Date received: 27 Aug 2018

Northern Territory Airports (NTA) (PDF - 354k)

Submission 8 for Economic Regulation Of Airports (2019) View full list

Northern Territory Airports Submission to 2018 Productivity Commission Review Page 1 of 13. Northern Territory Airports Submission to 2018 Productivity Commission Airport Regulatory Review. 1. INTRODUCTION A short submission is provided by Northern

Date received: 27 Aug 2018

Queensland Advocacy Incorporated (QAI) (PDF - 472k)

Submission 40 for Review Of The National Disability Agreement View full list

Our mission is to promote, protect and defend, through advocacy, the fundamental needs and rights and lives of the most vulnerable people with disability in Queensland. Systems and Legal Advocacy for vulnerable people with Disability. (07) 3844 4200

Date received: 27 Aug 2018

Vision Australia (PDF - 196k)

Submission 37 for Review Of The National Disability Agreement View full list

Vision Australia Submission. Response to the National Disability Agreement Review Submission to: Productivity Commission. Date: 24 August 2018 By email. Response submitted by: Scott Jacobs, Program Manager NDIS and Aged Care. Introduction. Vision

Date received: 27 Aug 2018

Essential Services Commission (ESC) (PDF - 2456k)

Submission 7 for Economic Regulation Of Airports (2019) View full list

ESSENTIAL SERVICES COMMISSION. 22/08/2018. RM/18/164 78. Airport Regulation Inquiry. Productivity Commission. Locked Bag 2. Collins Street East. VIC 8003. Dear Mr Lindwall,. Re: Economic Regulation of Airports. We welcome the opportunity to provide

Date received: 24 Aug 2018

Mental Health Australia (PDF - 431k)

Submission 20 for Review Of The National Disability Agreement View full list

P E. W. . . P E. W. . . . . . . o. o. o. .

Date received: 24 Aug 2018

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