Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.
Fully-matching results
Board of Airline Representatives of Australia (BARA) (PDF - 319k)
Submission DR160 for Economic Regulation Of Airports (2019) View full list Economic regulation of airports 1. BARA supplementary submission 3 April 2019. Airport operator commercial accountabilities. Following the public hearings held on 28 March 2019, this supplementary submission by the Board or. Airline
Date received: 3 Apr 2019
Name withheld (PDF - 70k)
Submission 98 for Mental Health View full list
Submission: Mental Health Inquiry Productivity Commission. 4 April 2019. I would firstly like to thank you for allowing people the opportunity to share our comments and submissions. I want to share my high school experience with a mental illness
Date received: 3 Apr 2019
EFT Australia Pty Ltd (PDF - 411k)
Submission 89 for Mental Health View full list
1 | P a g e. PO Box 2,. Montville 4560. 3 April 2019. Submission to the Mental Health Inquiry, Productivity Commission. Dear Commission,. I would like to make the following submission regarding the current state of Mental Health services. in
Date received: 3 Apr 2019
Brian Haisman (PDF - 137k)
Submission 92 for Mental Health View full list
1. Productivity Commission â Mental Health Inquiry 2019. Submission from a mental health carer. This submission raises three economic questions surrounding present public policies related to mental health carers. For purposes of discussion of
Date received: 3 Apr 2019
The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health (PDF - 746k)
Submission 101 for Mental Health View full list
Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into improving mental health to support economic participation, and enhancing. productivity and economic growth. The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health welcomes the opportunity to
Date received: 3 Apr 2019
Queensland Family and Child Commission (QFCC) (PDF - 211k)
Submission 85 for Mental Health View full list
Queensland Family and Child Commission Submission To: Productivity Commission â Mental Health Inquiry Date: 2 April 2019 Topic: The Social and Economic Benefits of Improving Mental Health Submission summary: The Queensland Family and Child
Date received: 3 Apr 2019
Department of Communications and the Arts (PDF - 913k)
Submission 82 for Mental Health View full list Response to Mental Health issues paper Page 1 of 13 Response to Productivity Commission issues paper. The Social and Economic Benefits of Improving Mental Health. April 2019.
Date received: 3 Apr 2019
Uniting VicTas (PDF - 241k)
Submission 95 for Mental Health View full list
Uniting Vic.Tas. ABN 81 098 317 125. Level 6, 250 Victoria Parade. East Melbourne Vic 3002. T 03 9192 8100. F 03 9192 8199. 3 April 2019. Mental Health Inquiry Productivity Commission. GPO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601 Dear
Date received: 3 Apr 2019
Marathon Health (PDF - 905k)
Submission 88 for Mental Health View full list
5 April 2019. Mental Health inquiry Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601. Further to the Issues Paper titled The Social and Economic Benefits of Improving Mental Health, and the opportunity to meet with Commissioner Dr Stephen
Date received: 3 Apr 2019
Australasian Sleep Association (PDF - 375k)
Submission 96 for Mental Health View full list
114/30 Campbell Street Blacktown NSW 2148 ABN: 51 138 032 014. Phone: 61 2 9920 1968 Fax: 61 2 9672 3884. email: web: Submission to the Productivity CommissionsâMental Health Inquiry:. On behalf of the
Date received: 3 Apr 2019
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