Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.
Fully-matching results
Melbourne Airport (PDF - 397k)
Submission DR107 for Economic Regulation Of Airports (2019) View full list
1. Productivity Commission Inquiry into the Economic Regulation of Airports. Response to Draft Report. March 2019. 2. Please direct any enquiries to:. Jai McDermott Executive, Corporate and Public Affairs Melbourne Airport. Mail: Locked Bag 16,
Date received: 25 Mar 2019
International Air Transport Association (IATA) (PDF - 757k)
Submission DR116 for Economic Regulation Of Airports (2019) View full list
Submission by IATA:. Australian Productivity Commission (PC) Draft Report â Economic. Regulation of Airports. 25 March 2019. 2 Submission by IATA: Productivity Commissionâs Draft Report (2019) â Economic Regulation of Airports. Preamble The
Date received: 25 Mar 2019
Virgin Australia Group (PDF - 556k)
Submission DR142 for Economic Regulation Of Airports (2019) View full list
Economic regula t ion of a i rpor t serv ices. S u b m i s s i o n b y t h e V i r g i n A u s t r a l i a. G r o u p o n t h e P r o d u c t i v i t y C o m m i s s i o n. D r a f t R e p o r t. P U B L I C. E c o n o m i c r e g u l a t i o n o f
Date received: 25 Mar 2019
Sydney Airport (PDF - 652k)
Submission DR112 for Economic Regulation Of Airports (2019) View full list
page 1. Response to the Productivity Commission Draft Report on Economic Regulation of Airports dated February 2019. 25 March 2019. Please direct any comments or questions to: Georgina Dorsett Head of Customer and Stakeholder Engagement Sydney
Date received: 25 Mar 2019
Airlines for Australia & New Zealand (A4ANZ) (PDF - 2785k)
Submission DR106 for Economic Regulation Of Airports (2019) View full list
RESPONSE TO PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSIONâS. DRAFT REPORT. MARCH 2019. MARCH 2019. ECONOMIC REGULATION OF AIRPORTS. 2. PREFACE. It behoves us all to remember that in conducting this Inquiry, it is the Productivity Commission that is charged with.
Date received: 25 Mar 2019
Qantas Group (PDF - 4937k)
Submission DR115 for Economic Regulation Of Airports (2019) View full list
Qantas Group Submission to the Productivity Commission Draft Report. Unfair Airport Monopolies â A Case for Reform. Productivity Commission Inquiry into the Economic Regulation of Airports. This is a public, evidence-based submission to the Draft
Date received: 25 Mar 2019
Louise and James Simpson (PDF - 37k)
Submission DR131 for Economic Regulation Of Airports (2019) View full list
To whom it may concern We are writing to you as a family impacted by the proposed changes to the curfew hours at Sydney International Airport. We believe that the draft report of Sydney Airport Master plan to 2039 is outrageous. The fact that
Date received: 24 Mar 2019
Coleen Tracey (PDF - 71k)
Submission DR130 for Economic Regulation Of Airports (2019) View full list
Coleen Tracey. 24th March 2019. Dear Sirs. Submission to the Productivity Commission investigating the Economic Regulation of Airports. I have lived in Woolwich for the last thirty years and the aircraft noise has become louder and louder over the
Date received: 24 Mar 2019
Adelaide Joint Operated Storage Facility (JOSF) Joint Venture (JV) (PDF - 587k)
Submission DR121 for Economic Regulation Of Airports (2019) View full list
From:. Mobil Oil Australia Pty Ltd. (As Ope1· ator of the Adelaide JOSF Joint Vent ure). Level 9, 664 Collins St. Docklands Vic 3008. 22 fV! arch 2019. To:. The Commissioners. Economic Regulation of Airports. via e-mail: Re:
Date received: 22 Mar 2019
Brisbane Joint User Hydrant Installation (JUHI) Joint Venture (JV) (PDF - 514k)
Submission DR122 for Economic Regulation Of Airports (2019) View full list
From: Viva Energy Australia Pty Ltd (As Operator of the Brisbane JUHI Joint Venture) Level 16 720 Bourke St Docklands Vic 3008 To: The Commissioners Economic Regulation of Airports via e-mail: 22 March 2019 Re: Economic Regulation
Date received: 22 Mar 2019
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