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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Law Council of Australia (PDF - 78k)

Submission 27 for Annual Review Of Regulatory Burdens On Business View full list

GPO Box 1989, Canberra ACT 2601, DX 5719 Canberra. 19 Torrens St Braddon ACT 2612. Telephone 61 2 6246 3788 Facsimile 61 2 6248 0639. Law Council of Australia Limited ABN 85 005 260 622. www lawcouncil asn au. 15 June 2010. Mr Warren Mundy Associate

Date received: 15 Jun 2010

Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (PDF - 112k)

Submission 26 for Annual Review Of Regulatory Burdens On Business View full list

1. Productivity Commission. Annual Review of Regulatory Burdens on Business - Business and Consumer Services. Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre Submission June 2010. Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre. Australian

Date received: 15 Jun 2010

NSW Bookmakers' Co-operative Ltd (PDF - 61k)

Submission 24 for Annual Review Of Regulatory Burdens On Business View full list

1. NSW Bookmakers’Co-operative Ltd. ABN 19 751 918 434. (Members of City Tattersall’s Club) 198 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000. Tel: (02) 9267.7605 Fax: (02) 9267.4147 e-mail: Friday, 7 May 2010 Regulatory Burdens:

Date received: 7 May 2010

Law Council of Australia (PDF - 424k)

Submission 23 for Annual Review Of Regulatory Burdens On Business View full list

ANNUAL REVIEW OF REGULATORY BURDENS ON BUSINESS — BUSINESS AND CONSUMER SERVICES. Productivity Commission. 20 April 2010. Table of Contents Introduction. 3 Dual regulation of immigration lawyers. 4. Background to migration agents’regulation. 4

Date received: 20 Apr 2010

Abacus - Australian Mutuals (PDF - 131k)

Submission 22 for Annual Review Of Regulatory Burdens On Business View full list

Association of Building Societies and Credit Unions. Submission to Productivity Commission. Review of Regulatory Burdens – Business and Consumer Services. 31 March 2010. Abacus submission Regulatory burdens. 2. INTRODUCTION Abacus – Australian

Date received: 31 Mar 2010

Property Council of Australia (PDF - 239k)

Submission 21 for Annual Review Of Regulatory Burdens On Business View full list

LEVEL 1, 11 BARRACK STREET, SYDNEY NSW 2000 PH 02 9033-1900 - FAX 02 9033-1966 Emai l i n fo@nat.proper tyoz. - www.proper tyoz. T h e V o i c e o f L e a d e r s h i p. AAnnnnuuaall RReevviieeww ooff RReegguullaattoorryy

Date received: 25 Mar 2010

Australian Bankers Association - Revised (PDF - 153k)

Submission 17 for Annual Review Of Regulatory Burdens On Business View full list

AABBAA SSuubbmmiissssiioonn ttoo. AAnnnnuuaall RReevviieeww ooff. RReegguullaattoorryy BBuurrddeennss. oonn BBuussiinneessss – –. BBuussiinneessss aanndd CCoonnssuummeerr. SSeerrvviicceess. 12 March 2010. Table of Contents. 1. Introduction ------

Date received: 24 Mar 2010

The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (PDF - 50k)

Submission 20 for Annual Review Of Regulatory Burdens On Business View full list

The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia Limited ABN 29 002 786 290 ASFA Secretariat PO Box 1485, Sydney NSW 2001. 02 9264 9300 (1800 812 798 outside Sydney) 02 9264 8824. p: f: w:. The Productivity Commission

Date received: 22 Mar 2010

Tasmanian Government (PDF - 33k)

Submission 19 for Annual Review Of Regulatory Burdens On Business View full list

Contact: James Abbott Phone: 6233 6517 Our Ref: D/78 JA/DR. Gary Banks Chairman Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 CANBERRA CITY ACT 2601. Attention: Maggie Eibisch. Dear Mr Banks. REGULATORY BURDENS REVIEW – BUSINESS AND CONSUMER SERVICES. I

Date received: 17 Mar 2010

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