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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Lower Mountains Neighbourhood Centre (PDF - 66k)

Submission 270 for Caring For Older Australians View full list

Productivity Commission Submission. Our program, Volunteer Home Visitors (VHV), offers Social Support for frail aged and people with a disability who live in their own home. This support is provided by volunteers who are recruited, trained and

Date received: 4 Aug 2010

Marjory Kobold (PDF - 30k)

Submission 450 for Caring For Older Australians View full list

Marjory Kobold Submission to Productivity Commission 30 July 2010 page 1. My father, Kohn Keith McWhirter lived in two residential aged care facilities and spent some time in acute care hospitals in Melbourne, until he died. As I live in Canberra,

Date received: 4 Aug 2010

Victorian National Respite for Carers Programs (PDF - 144k)

Submission 334 for Caring For Older Australians View full list

1 Victorian NRCP Services Network. Submission by the Victorian NRCP Services Network to the Productivity Commission . July 2010 Issues for Consideration The hallmark of National Respite for Carers Programs (NRCP)

Date received: 4 Aug 2010

Southern Cross Care (Vic) (PDF - 47k)

Submission 266 for Caring For Older Australians View full list

Southern Cross Care (Vic) Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Care of Older Australians. July 2010. 2. Table of contents Page Executive Summary 4. Introduction 5. Workforce 5. Sustainable system. 7. Right type of care 10.

Date received: 4 Aug 2010

Australian Unity (PDF - 351k)

Submission 265 for Caring For Older Australians View full list

SUBMISSION TO THE PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION. CARING FOR OLDER AUSTRALIANS: INQUIRY INTO AGED CARE. July 2010. Authors and contact details:. Derek McMillan Group Executive – Australian Unity Retirement Living. Kaele Stokes Strategic Projects Manager

Date received: 4 Aug 2010

Aged and Community Services WA - Osborne Park (PDF - 477k)

Submission 271 for Caring For Older Australians View full list

1 | P a g e. Executive Summary. Aged and Community Services Western Australia Inc (ACSWA) is pleased to make a submission. to the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into Caring for Older Australians. Numerous surveys and reviews into aged care have

Date received: 4 Aug 2010

Anglicare Sydney (PDF - 192k)

Submission 272 for Caring For Older Australians View full list

ANGLICARE Sydney Submission – Caring for Older Australians. Prepared for: The Productivity Commission. July 2010. 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PREFACE.3. INTRODUCTION.3. 1. CONTINUUM OF CARE.4. 2. FUNDING.7 2.1 CAPITAL.7 2.2 ACCOMMODATION CHARGES.7 2.3

Date received: 4 Aug 2010

Sundale Garden Village, Nambour (PDF - 2772k)

Submission 269 for Caring For Older Australians View full list

SUBMISSION TO PRODUCTIVITY. COMMISSION. Caring for Older Australians. Submitted: 4th August 2010 By: Glenn Bunney – CEO. “Caring for Older Australians”Submission to the Productivity Commission. Page 2 of 51. “The definition of insanity is

Date received: 4 Aug 2010

Tech4Life (PDF - 38k)

Submission 273 for Caring For Older Australians View full list

3 August 2010 Caring for Older Australians Productivity Commission PO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601 Dear Commissioners I write in response to your Issues Paper of May 2010, and in part to respond to what I perceive to be a rather unbalanced

Date received: 3 Aug 2010

Aged Care IT Vendor Association (PDF - 56k)

Submission 264 for Caring For Older Australians View full list

1 | P a g e. Aged Care IT Vendor Association. 30 th. July 2010. Productivity Commission - Inquiry into Caring for Older Australians. Caring for Older Australians. Productivity Commission. A: GPO Box 1428. Canberra City ACT 2601. E:

Date received: 3 Aug 2010

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