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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Kerry Danes (PDF - 157k)

Submission DR160 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list

Compensation and Rehabilitation for Veterans Submission by WO1 (Retired) Kerry Danes 19 Dec 18. Page 1 of 4. Compensation and Rehabilitation for Veterans. Inquiry into Veterans’Affairs’Legislative Framework and Supporting Architecture for

Date received: 22 Dec 2018

Sydney McLeod (PDF - 83k)

Submission DR158 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list

The Defence Force Income Support Allowance ( DFISA) FRAUD This piece of Gobbley Gook is not what it seems to be, it was SUPPOSEDLY designed to benefit Veterans without overseas active service, but is being used to limit payments to those WITH ACTIVE

Date received: 18 Dec 2018

Michael Stark (PDF - 60k)

Submission DR159 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list

Page 1 of 1. The attached document (IN CONFIDENCE) has been submitted to DVA as a complaint and. is relevant here in that it provides detail relating to poor decision making, non-compliance. with legislation and non-compliance with published Policy

Date received: 18 Dec 2018

Victims of Abuse in the Australian Defence Force (PDF - 2270k)

Submission DR157 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list

Preliminary Response Submission. Of. Victims Of Abuse. In The Australian Defence Force Association Inc. A0059257W. To. The Productivity Commission Inquiry Into. Veteran’s Compensation Draft Report. Jennifer Jacomb Author. ABSTRACT The draft

Date received: 18 Dec 2018

Neil MacNeill (PDF - 250k)

Submission DR156 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list

Submission to the Productivity Commission: A Better Way to Support Veterans. I fought in Vietnam, and I have had positive experiences with the Department of Veterans’Affairs (DVA) since that time. However, I have supported many veterans who were

Date received: 14 Dec 2018

Neil McLean (PDF - 42k)

Submission DR154 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list

Your draft report states. ”The system needs to focus on the wellbeing of veterans over their lifetime. This means more attention to prevention, rehabilitation and transition support, which in turn will produce better outcomes for veterans, their

Date received: 14 Dec 2018

Ian Fraser (PDF - 171k)

Submission DR155 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list

Ian Fraser. Compensation and Rehabilitation for Veterans Submission. Introduction: I served this country for 20 years in the RAAF as an Aircraft Technician. I worked in the F111 Deseal Reseal Program. To say I have seen the worst of the system used

Date received: 14 Dec 2018

Brent New (PDF - 67k)

Submission 153 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list

Submission to DVA Compensation and Rehabilitation for Veterans To whom it may concern and I’ll keep it short and to the point as much as possible. My name is Brent New and I’m a Veteran from 5/7 RAR with 3 deployments that has come close to

Date received: 21 Nov 2018

RSL NSW (PDF - 520k)

Submission 151 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list

Respecting, supporting and remembering our veterans and their families ANZAC House 61 2 9264 8188 Level 5, 341 George St Regimental Square Sydney, NSW 2000. Productivity Commission Inquiry into Compensation and Rehabilitation for

Date received: 24 Oct 2018

Keith Enno (PDF - 480k)

Submission 150 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list

The plight of isolated War Veterans and Widows in regional Australia. The Cost of Social Isolation to the Veteran Community 1. I don’t know which I would rather believe… that you never did care. or that you eventually stopped. The difficulty,

Date received: 4 Oct 2018

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