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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Veterans and Veterans Counselling Service (VVCS) National Advisory Committee (PDF - 227k)

Submission 72 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list

NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE. C/- Department of Veterans’Affairs GPO Box 9998, BRISBANE QLD 4001. Telephone: (02) 6289 6471. 26 June 2018 Submission from the Veterans and Veterans Counselling Service National Advisory Committee to the Inquiry into

Date received: 3 Jul 2018

Veterans’ Advisory Council (VAC) and the Veterans’ Health Advisory Council (VHAC) of South Australia (PDF - 196k)

Submission 96 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list

1. Public-I1A1. The Productivity Commission. Inquiry into Veterans’Affairs’Legislative. Framework and Supporting Architecture for Compensation and Rehabilitation for. Veterans (Serving and Ex-serving Australian Defence Force Members). Submission

Date received: 3 Jul 2018

Legacy Australia (PDF - 163k)

Submission 100 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list

Legacy Australia Incorporated Caring for the families of those who served their country. Patron: His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd). Level 7, 47 York Street, Sydney NSW 2000 GPO Box 4020, Sydney NSW 2001. Phone: 61

Date received: 3 Jul 2018

Warwick Reading (PDF - 83k)

Submission 88 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list

My operational career in the RAAF was servicing Canberra, Iroquois and Chinook aircraft. The noise was happily endured during those years as that was what I signed up to do. I considered it a privilege and duty to go where I was told and to carry

Date received: 2 Jul 2018

Matthew Crossley (PDF - 230k)

Submission 83 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list

MATTHEW CROSSLEY. 2nd July 2018. Robert Fitzgerald AM Presiding Commissioner Veterans’Compensation and Rehabilitation Inquiry Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2604 Dear Commission Fitzgerald, I welcome the opportunity to make

Date received: 2 Jul 2018

Australian Veterans Alliance (PDF - 103k)

Submission 81 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list

Issues within the Veteran Compensation Schemes. My name is Bradley Campbell and I would like to thank the Commissioner for the opportunity to provide comments on issues #Veteranclawback has met along their journey. The work we have done has

Date received: 2 Jul 2018

Fiona Brandis (PDF - 121k)

Submission 103 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list

Submission to the Productivity Commission: Compensation and Rehabilitation for Veterans I’m not a current or former Defence Member, however I’m the wife of an injured veteran. I present this submission under my maiden name to afford a modicum of

Date received: 2 Jul 2018

Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU) (PDF - 145k)

Submission 94 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list

Community and Public Sector Union. Submission:. Compensation and Rehabilitation for Veterans. Productivity Commission Inquiry. July 2018. CPSU submission to Productivity Commission Inquiry into Compensation and Rehabilitation for Veterans. 2 | P a g

Date received: 2 Jul 2018

Orygen - The National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health (PDF - 362k)

Submission 67 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list

2 July 2018. Response to Productivity Commission Issues Paper. Compensation and Rehabilitation for Veterans. Orygen, The National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health (Orygen) welcomes the opportunity. to respond to questions raised in the

Date received: 2 Jul 2018

Rehabilitation Counselling Association of Australasia (RCAA) (PDF - 157k)

Submission 74 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list

27 June 2018. Productivity Commission- Compensation and Rehabilitation for Veterans To the Hon Scott Morrison MP. RCAA is the professional association exclusively representing the interests of Australasian Rehabilitation Counsellors (RCs) with

Date received: 2 Jul 2018

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