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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Consumers' Federtion of Australia Info Paper (PDF - 575k)

Submission 83 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

1. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor. are needed to see this picture. CFA RESPONSE TO PC INQUIRY ON CONSUMER POLICY. Table of Contents. Section 1: Introduction. 2 1.1 About the Consumers’Federation of Australia. 2 1.2 About this

Date received: 28 May 2007

ACCORD Australasia (PDF - 260k)

Submission 77 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

ACCORD Australasia Ltd (formerly ACSPA) ACN 117 659 168 ABN 83 205 141 267. PO Box 290 BROADWAY NSW 2007 Tel: 61 2 9281 2322 Fax: 61 2 9281 0366 Website: Innovative solutions for healthy living and a quality lifestyle. Mr Robert

Date received: 25 May 2007

Joint submission from WA Community Organisations (PDF - 334k)

Submission 76 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Joint submission to the Productivity Commission's Review of the Consumer Policy Framework from WA community organisations. Consumers Association of WA Consumer Credit Legal Service (WA) Council on the Ageing Financial Counsellors' Association of WA

Date received: 25 May 2007

Consumers' Telecommunications Network (PDF - 387k)

Submission 78 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Consumer Policy Framework. Productivity Commission Review. 2007. Consumer Submission. May 2007. Prepared by the. Consumers’Telecommunications Network. - 3 - Consumers’Telecommunications Network. Consumer Submission for Consumer Policy Framework

Date received: 25 May 2007

Ministerial Council on Consumer Affairs Info Paper (PDF - 455k)

Submission 75 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Ministerial Council on Consumer Affairs. Working Party on Consumer Policy. Information Paper on Consumer Policy Issues. May 2007. This Information Paper is intended to provide information to the Productivity Commission. The Paper does not represent

Date received: 25 May 2007

Consumer Law Centre of the ACT (PDF - 64k)

Submission 74 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

LLL. OONNSSUUMMEERR LLAAWW EENNTTRREE of the ACT. PO Box 763 Tel: (02) 6257 1788 CIVIC SQUARE ACT 2608 Fax: (02) 6257 1452. 2 Akuna Street, Shop 16, 1st Floor Waldorf

Date received: 24 May 2007

NSW Office of Fair Trading (PDF - 208k)

Submission 73 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Submission to Productivity Commission on behalf of NSW Government. Review of Australia’s Consumer Policy Framework. May 2007. NSW Submission to Productivity Commission Review of Australia’s Consumer Policy Framework. 2. Introduction On 11

Date received: 23 May 2007

Australian Retailers Association (PDF - 178k)

Submission 71 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Melbourne Level 2, 104 Franklin St, Melbourne VIC 3000 Phone 03 9321 5000 Fax 03 9321 5001 Sydney Level 11, 45 Market St, Sydney NSW 2000 Phone 02 9290 3766 Fax 02 9290 7180. P0722 - REVIEW OF CONSUMER POLICY. SUBMISSION TO THE

Date received: 22 May 2007

Victorian Government (PDF - 233k)

Submission 72 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

A preliminary submission from the. Victorian Government to the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into Australia’s consumer policy framework. The existing consumer policy framework in Victoria. May 2007. Page 2 of 66. Contents 1 Introduction.3.

Date received: 22 May 2007

Australian Toy Association Ltd (PDF - 40k)

Submission 67 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Page 1. Australian Toy Association Limited. Response to 2007 Productivity Commission. Review of the Australian Consumer Policy Framework. The Australian Toy Association Limited is pleased to respond to the Productivity Commission - Review of the

Date received: 21 May 2007

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