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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

COSBOA (PDF - 56k)

Submission 69 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia Ltd. ABN 43 008 597 304 11th May 2007. Subject: Review of Australia’s Consumer Policy Framework. Dear Sir / Madam, Please find enclosed our submission for the Review of

Date received: 21 May 2007

Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia Ltd (PDF - 815k)

Submission 70 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

ASFA Submission on Productivity Commission Review of Australia's Consumer Policy Framework

Date received: 21 May 2007

WA Council of Social Services Inc. (PDF - 218k)

Submission 68 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

WACOSS Submission to the Review of Australias Consumer. Policy Framework. Submission by the Western Australian Council of Social Service to the. Productivity Commissions Review of Australias Consumer Policy Framework. May 2007. Contact for further

Date received: 21 May 2007

Financial Counsellors Association of Queensland (PDF - 15k)

Submission 66 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

18th May 2007. Consumer Policy Framework Inquiry. Productivity Commission. PO Box 80. Belconnen ACT 2616. Attention: Ms Jill Irvine. Dear Ms Irvine,. I submit this submission on behalf of Financial Counsellors Association of Queensland. (FCAQ). FCAQ

Date received: 18 May 2007

Robin M G Brown (PDF - 209k)

Submission 63 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

1. PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION INQUIRY CONSUMER POLICY FRAMEWORK. Submission by. Robin M G Brown. PREAMBLE. This submission mainly deals with basic and broad concepts, principles and ideas on consumer policy and consumer policy making many of which will

Date received: 17 May 2007

Kildonan Child and Family Services (PDF - 115k)

Submission 65 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

1. Productivity Commission’s Inquiry Into Australia’s Consumer Policy Framework. May 2007 Submission to the Productivity Commission by Kildonan Child &Family Services 188 Mc Donalds Road Epping Victoria 3076 PH: (03) 84010100 Fax: (03) 9408 0501

Date received: 17 May 2007

Australian Financial Counselling and Credit Reform Association (PDF - 202k)

Submission 62 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

aaffccccrraa Australian Financial Counselling and Credit Reform Association Chairperson: David Tennant Secretary: Jan Pentland 17 May 2007 The Productivity Commission PO Box 80 Beconnen ACT 2616 (&by email: Attention: Ian Gibbs –

Date received: 17 May 2007

Aust and NZ Energy and Water Ombudsman Network (PDF - 294k)

Submission 64 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

17 May 2007 Consumer Policy Inquiry Productivity Commission PO Box 80 Belconnen ACT 2616 Email: Dear Commissioners Thank you for the opportunity to provide a submission to the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into Australia’s

Date received: 17 May 2007

Australian National Retailers Association (PDF - 41k)

Submission 60 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

1. ANRA SUBMISSION TO FEDERAL TREASURY ON PRODUCTIVITY INQUIRY RE: CONSUMER POLICY FRAMEWORK. 2. Contents. Page Introduction 3 What is the Current Situation? 4 How well is the Current Framework Performing? 5. 1. Consultation, Transparency and

Date received: 16 May 2007

The Builders' Collective of Australia Inc (PDF - 672k)

Submission 59 for Consumer Policy Framework View full list

TThhee BBuuiillddeerrss’’CCoolllleeccttiivvee ooff AAuussttrraalliiaa iinncc. RReegg NNoo:: AA00004444115533GG Representing the small to medium Builders of the nation. Registered Office; 27 Advantage Rd Highett Vic 3190. Mobile 0414 699 905. Ph

Date received: 16 May 2007

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